Elements/Properties of Consent

Dear All,
This is in response to ISSUE-4 and ACTION-28 about describing consent 
following today's meeting call.

Taking the text by Axel as is (from definition of GDPR), consent here is 
comprised of
1. the entity it was given to - data controller
2. the purposes/actions it was given for - purpose
3. the entities it governs - personal data (categories)
4. the duration of its applicability - duration
The other properties are not part of the consent itself, but rather 
describe it provenance. These are-
5. how it was obtained - affirmative action
6. when it was obtained - timestamp
I feel that #6 is a property of #5 rather than of the consent itself. 
That is, the action has a timestamp, a medium (online form, for 
example), and therefore the time associated with the consent is actually 
the time it was collected/obtained at.

I am working on a consent ontology to represent these same instances 
(that are described above). There are some questions that are already 
part of this work, which I will share soon. The ontology itself is a 
work-in-progress, and therefore not stable to be added to the working 
group list of vocabularies. I'm happy to share it if anyone is 
interested in looking at it.

I will try to formalise these into questions/points as suggested by Rigo 
based on experiences with modeling provenance of consent.

There are a few other things to consider, such as what is the consent 
was collected via automated mechanisms or a natural person; or whether 
it was given by someone in lieu of the person - i.e. a delegate.

 From Eva's point regarding the status of consent, I agree and propose 
the following:
Unknown, Not Given, Implicitly Given, Explicitly Given, Withdrawn, 
Expired, Invalidated

On 16/10/18 7:38 AM, Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community 
Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> ISSUE-4: What are the elements of consent? starting from "consent = agreement through an [affirmative action] at a specific [time] with a [data controller] to specific [processing] and [storage] of specific [data categories] for specific [purpose] and [duration]"
> https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/issues/4

Harshvardhan J. Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2018 15:23:42 UTC