Join the W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) - launched today!

You want to contribute to interoperable privacy? Join #W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group #DPVCG, which we launched today! <> 

Let's define standards for transparently documenting personal data processing, consent and usage policies! 
Please help us to invite relevant stakeholders to join the CG, which we have launched right on time with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force.

Link to announcement tweet: <> 

Details below, please spread the word!

Axel Polleres 

Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres

Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group

The mission of the W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) is to develop a taxonomy of privacy terms, which include in particular terms from the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), such as a taxonomy of personal data as well as a classification of purposes (i.e., purposes for data collection), and events of disclosures, consent, and processing such personal data.

The Community Group shall officially start on 25th of May 2018, the official data of the GDPR coming into force, as a result of the W3C Workshop on Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies <> in Vienna earlier this year.

It is the goal of the CG to harmonize related efforts and bring together stakeholders that already have brought forward proposals to develop respective vocabularies to enable semantic interoperability and interchange of transparency logs about personal data processing, enable data portability for data subjects, etc. The exact scope of use cases related to making personal data processing interoperable by respective standards in order to ease proof of compliance with the GDPR and related privacy protection regulations will be the first deliverable of the CG.

More concretely, the following steps and deliverables are planned so far.


Use cases and requirements: in a first step we will collect and align common requirements from industry and also from other stakeholders to identify areas where interoperability is most needed in the handling of personal data. The outcome shall be a prioritized list of requirements for what needs to be covered by shared vocabularies to enable interoperability in the identified use cases.
Alignment of vocabularies and identification of overlaps: in a second document, we will collect existing vocabularies and standardization efforts to identify their overlaps and suitability as starting points to minimally and extensibly cover the requirements prioritized in step one.
Glossary of GDPR terms: a third deliverable will be an understandable glossary of common terms from the GDPR and how they shall be covered by the agreed vocabularies.
Vocabularies based on the heterogeneity or homogeneity of the agreed upon use cases and requirements, we will define a single or a modular set of vocabularies for exchanging and representing interoperably: personal data, purposes/processing, disclosure/consent, anonymisation, and transparency logs.

For the moment, we plan the following milestones:

24 May 2018: Presentation of this initial charter draft to initial stakeholders
25 May 2018: Launch of the CG by registration as a W3C Community Group <>
26-30 May 2018 until 30 June 2018: dissemination of invitations to participate in the CG & feedback collection on the present charter draft.
29-31 August 2018: 1st Face-2-face meeting co-located at MyData2018 <> in Helsinki, Finland, agreement on first steps and regular telephone conference slots and commencement of biweekly telephone conferences.
12-14 November 2018: 2nd Face-2-face meeting co-located with the European Big Data Value Forum 2018 <> in Vienna, Austria. The goal of this meeting is have set up a common environment to jointly work on deliverables, and have identified editors for first drafts.
Milestones beyond the second meeting shall be defined as outcome of these first two F2F meetings. The current goal is to agree on first public drafts of minimal sets of vocabularies to be finished by December 2018, with first stable working drafts being reached latest on 25 May 2019.

The CG shall work in an agile manner to iteratively propose and refine its scope, starting from (i) collecting and prioritizing requirements and existing input vocabularies, (ii) extracting minimal overlaps/coverage, (iii) agreement on minimal representations, (iv) iterate.

In this sense the deliverables structure above shall be understood as current snapshot of the planned focus which directly reflects the prioritized outcomes of the Vienna workshop. If more is needed in terms of standardization, e.g., a discussion of protocols/architectures then we shall be open to extend the scope later on, as soon as first results have been achieved on those primary, initial goals.

The CG invites all interested stakeholders to contribute, particularly those people <> who expressed interest at the Vienna workshop, but as all W3C CGs considers itself an Open Community with the intention to grow to a  critical mass to finally bring its results into a W3C working group for standardization.

Chairs (tentative)

Bert Bos <>, ERCIM <>W3C <> (chair)
Axel Polleres <>, WU (Wirschaftsuniversitat Wien) - Vienna University of Economics and Business <> (chair)

Participation in W3C Community Groups is free and open and can be done via the group's Web page at <> 

You will need a W3C account to join; request an account <> if necessary.

Received on Friday, 25 May 2018 01:52:21 UTC