Re: Regarding the template for Use Cases in the DPVCG wiki

Dear all,

I have started to describe some DECODE use cases using Eva’s template to test it.

I am not sure yet about the level of details I need to put into the use cases, for the moment they are still high level but I can add more details.

Regarding the template, I would maybe merge some aspects of both proposals, I have used Eva’s template to test it, but I think that it would be interesting to have the following items from the template on the wiki (depending on the level of details we want to have for the use cases):

domain/subject area and/or what is the main problem/point the use case
aspects of interoperability in the workflow

Unfortunately I will not be able to join our next call as I will be on holidays, but I will update some part of the wiki before the call.



> On 8 Aug 2018, at 14:05, Eva Schlehahn <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> referring to our telco yesterday, here is my input regarding the template for the Use Cases.
> I personally think it might be most useful if the UC template in the wiki foresees at least the following:
> Besides the Use case title, a number or other short identifier (This makes cross-referencing between use cases, requirements or even vocabularies easier)
> The possibility to have sub-use-cases which may be reasonable smaller parts of the overall use case
> Types or categories of data involved
> Below, I have added a use case template that I developed for a project I was involved in. Of course, this is just to be taken as an example to show what kind of information was captured. However, it might be valuable to think what makes most sense in the context of the community group's activity. Any further input on that is greatly appreciated. :-)
> A separate email will follow with my thoughts on the requirements template.
> Greetings,
> Eva
> Use Case ID - Use Case title
> Owner of Use Case
> Description
> Is Sub-Use Case of
> Related functional requirements
> Related non-functional requirements
> Requirement conflicts (if any)
> Requirement similarities
> (if any)
> Requirement subsets/refinements
> (if any)
> Component(s)
> Types/classes of data involved
> Actors
> Preconditions
> Postconditions
> Normal Flow
> Alternate Flows
> Has Sub-Use Cases
> Evaluation of UC and requirements realisation
>  (e.g. manual, automatically...)
> --
> Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein
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> Eva Schlehahn, <>
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Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 07:18:01 UTC