Re: ARIA Task force interlock call


There were a number of issues that were raised.

1. There was concern over the use of the role of "abstract" since the
WAI-ARIA spec. says to NOT use abstract roles. Many members felt very
strongly about having some characters in front of this to make a
distinction. This is in conflict with what we agreed to but then again this
will be found to be confusing by developers. So, there needs to be a way to
separate out this term from WAI-ARIA guidance. We had discussed this on the
DPUB ARIA calls.

2. There were some roles the group would like to pull into the main ARIA
spec itself for use beyond books like "chapter."  We do not have a complete
list of these as they were not enumerated on the call.

3. Despite the agree some people believe that there opinion was not
adequately represented at TPAC regarding collision of names and wants to
discuss those issues again on some role that would not be rolled into ARIA
as a cross cutting role - like "chapter." If we were to have a call we
would arrange for those people to provide the list of concerns.

4. There was  an issue with the "title" role but this was already flagged
in the DPUB ARIA meetings. This will have to wait for a later working draft
as I believe we are going to need further discussions with HTML to resolve

5. This was not brought up on the call but I looked at the EPUB structural
semantics from which these roles were derived and some include hyphens. We
have been reserving hyphens in role values to address future collisions of
role module taxonomies.  .  We
had been told that additional roles may be pulled into the module so that
will create concern down the road. ... e.g. topic-sentence,

I think that covers all the issues points of concern on the call. I think
we can resolve some issues in email but not all.



Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Ivan Herman <>
To:	Janina Sajka <>
Cc:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Tzviya Siegman
            <>, Matt Garrish <>, W3C
            PF - DPUB Joint Task Force <>, PF
            <>, Michael Cooper <>
Date:	04/10/2015 02:07 AM
Subject:	Re: ARIA Task force interlock call

> On 10 Apr 2015, at 01:07 , Janina Sajka <> wrote:
> I would add that the 22 April date is the earliest and best available
> for several key ARIA Task Force participants. There literally is no
> earlier opportunity.

Well... I do not know whether this date is good for Markus and Tzviya, who
are obviously key for this (Tzviya is on holidays this week). It is
certainly not very good for me, being on European time:-(. Anyway,
hopefully this can work.

> However, if we can resolve concerns on or about that date, it should
> still be possible to publish an FPWD in the following week.

Janina, I would still try to understand the issues. Many things can be
fleshed out on email and two weeks is a fairly long time. Can one of you
tell us what the problems are?



> Janina
> Richard Schwerdtfeger writes:
>> There were concerns about potential conflicts with respect to this draft
>> where the aria task force would like to raise some issues to be
>> hightlighted prior to publication.
>> We would like to set up a call on April 22 at 1pm EST.
>> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> --
> Janina Sajka,		 Phone:		 +1.443.300.2200
> 		 		 Email:
> Linux Foundation Fellow
> Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> Chair,		 Protocols & Formats
> 		 Indie UI

Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

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Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 22:40:46 UTC