Re: LC-1567 Missing Spaces

It seems appropriate

Thank you for all

Please, indicate, where I could see the last updated publication


Innovimax AC Rep

On 1/29/07, Rhys Lewis <> wrote:
> Dear Mohamed,
> Thanks you for your comments on the DISelect last call [1]. In your mail you
> raise a number of points.
> This particular response deals with missing spaces in the document. DIWG has
> identified this comment as
> LC-1567 Missing Spaces
> It was also independently identified and logged as LC-1563.
> DIWG accepts this comment as indicating an typographical error in the
> DISelect documents.
> The DIWG would like to thank you for spotting this error. It was, as you
> suspected, an unintended side effect of the particular tools we were using
> for creating the specification.
> We have changed the tools involved and this has solved the problem
> I hope that you will agree that this is an appropriate change, and will be
> able to indicate your acceptance by a response to this mail on this list.
> Very best wishes and thanks again for spotting this error.
> Rhys Lewis
> [1]

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Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 20:52:54 UTC