Experimental Draft of Digital Offers CG Use Cases

Hi all,

I took a bit of time today to make a pass through the Digital Offers Use
Cases wiki and try to structure it into a more formal use cases
document. We could eventually use this document as supporting material
when submitting a proposal to W3C Membership for the creation of a
Digital Offers Working Group.

To be clear, this is experimental work, a bit premature, but does a few
things that our current wiki does not do:

1. It clearly identifies the roles in the digital offer ecosystem:
   Customer, Merchant, Vendor
2. It categorizes market vertical needs for CPGs, Brick and Mortar
   Retail, Online Retail, and Digital Marketing.
3. It categorizes Tasks that the previously mentioned Roles would
   perform, such as Issue Coupon, Use Coupon, Multi-tender Payment,
   Settle Coupon, etc.

It's far from perfect, it probably misses key roles, market verticals,
and tasks. Just some food for thought for our upcoming meeting. I've
also attached the document as a PDF for those of you that can't access
Google Docs.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Rebalancing How the Web is Built

Received on Friday, 27 January 2017 18:12:20 UTC