Proposal for Credentials CG to maintain registries for DID Methods, Linked Data Key Types, and Credential Status Method

In last Tuesday's Credentials CG call, we put out proposals for the
Credentials CG to adopt a registry creation/update process for 3 specific

To summarize, there are two proposals on the table.

PROPOSAL 1: Adopt the registry creation and update process for the
            Credentials Community Group.

PROPOSAL 2: Adopt the Credentials CG as the registry maintainer for
            the DID Methods, Linked Data Key Types, and Credential
            Status Method Registries.

Complete details are in Manu's email to the group (Details:

Please let us know by tomorrow's calls if you have any objections to
these proposals.

** note: this is 3 as opposed to 2, as accidentally stated in the call*

-- Kim Duffy, on behalf of Credentials CG chairs
Kim Hamilton Duffy
CTO & Principal Architect Learning Machine
Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139 |
425-652-0150 |

Received on Monday, 18 December 2017 18:48:10 UTC