[AGENDA] W3C Credentials CG Call Tue, December 19th 12 ET

TL;DR: Year in Review


Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

Time: 12pm Boston, 9am Pacific, 16:00 GMT

Text Chat: _http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg_


Voice: See updated instructions: _https://github.com/w3c-ccg/w3c-ccg.github.io/blob/master/connecting.md_          sip:ccg@

          tel:540-961-4469;6306 (extension 6306)

Duration: 60 minutes

Scribes: _https://goo.gl/WVHuDh_

Minutes from last call: _

 1. Connections Check & Scribe Selection (4 minutes, google doc link)

 2. Agenda Review (2 minutes)

 3. Introductions & Reintroductions (4 minutes) (add link to scribe
    google doc for reintroduce column)

 4. Announcements (2 minutes)

   1. Holidays: No meetings December 26th & January 2nd

   2. New Year: First meeting January 9th, continue DID reconciliation

   3. Virtual Hackathon: January 15th-19th ( 9am PT 12pm PT)

 5. Progress on Current Action Items (5 minutes - Speak Up)

   1. CG to consider adopt of list of registries as work item (due

   2. Manu to complete Veres One DID Method spec (due January)

   3. Virtual Hackathon Outreach — DIDs, Methods, Resolvers, Verifiable
      Claims, & More! (week of January 15th)

   4. W3C-CCG to discuss reconciliation of #RebootingWebOfTrust &
      Hardening changes (due end of January)

   5. Chairs to suggest adding Object Capabilities, registry, process,
      etc. as potential work items on main w3c-ccg page

   6. Kim provide feedback on VC Browser API and polyfill re BTCR

   7. DavidC review spec to see if privacy and security reqs language is
      in spec and provide changes if not

 6. Status of Work Items (5 minutes, pick 3 - 5)

   1. DIDs

   2. Registries

   3. Data Minimization & Selective Disclosure

   4. Ongoing:

     * DID & Method Specs (Manu Sporny)

     * Lifecycle Model (David Chadwick)

     * Engagement Model (Joe Andrieu)

     * Verifiable Claims Browser API and Browser Polyfill (Dave Longley)

     * Data Minimization & Selective Disclosure (Lionel Wolberger)

     * CCG Process

     * Management of Registries as a group responsibility, and
       process/scope _

     * DID Method Registry _http://bit.ly/2AHJ1KG_

     * Linked Data Key Types Registry _http://bit.ly/2jfhpZs_

     * Credential Status Method Registry _

 7. 2017 in Review (15 min)

   1. (number members and corporation?)

   2. New chairs for CCG

   3. Revised Mission

   4. Formal adoption of DID draft specification as a work item

   5. DID Method definition incubation & advocacy

     * Multiple chains, types of chains, and companies

       1. did:btcr: *Bitcoin*

       2. did:cnsnt: *Ethereum*

       3. did:ipid: *IPFS*

       4. did:sov: *Sovrin*

       5. did:uport: *Ethereum*

       6. did:v1: *Veres One*

   6. Credential Handler API and Browser Polyfill presented to TPAC

     * New 2017 RSA Signature Suite

   7. Other work item for reports accepted and progress

   8. Face to Face meetings

     * TPAC

     * IIW

     * RWoT

   9. Offline Efforts

     * DID Hardening Conference Calls

     * Amira/Engagement Model

 8. 2017 Feedback (15 min)

   1. What’s working?

   2. What’s could be improved?

 9. New Action Items (5 min)

   1. Hackathon outreach
— W3C-CCG Co-Chairs: Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu & Kim Hamilton

Joe Andrieu, PMP


  1. https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2017-11-30/
  2. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2017Dec/0020.html

Received on Monday, 18 December 2017 18:41:09 UTC