Garth can't read a calendar (and other interesting details; please read)

Hi DPUB IG Folks,

This coming Monday (February 20th) is a holiday in the States (Presidents
day; Washington and Lincoln, not Trump).  So, unless there is a strong
objection, I'd think we should cancel the 20th and convene next on the 27th.

Between now and then, we should be able to publish the updated version of
the PWP document (with the two action items from yesterday completed
[manifest & offline/online]) and republish our current UCR document.

Hopefully we can also reach consensus on this email list about merging the
PWP changes into the draft charter and perhaps integrate updates proposed
by the A11Y Task Force into the charter.  So, ideally we could also
publicize an updated version of our draft charter and let the DPUB Business
Group start kibitzing.

As we're missing a week, we should also start thinking about our first
face-to-face for the DPUB WG, which I expect this IG will morph into.  BEA
is in New York May 31st through the 2nd.  Memorial Day is May 29th (in the
States) and there are Jewish holidays May 30th through June 1st. -- thus,
going before BEA doesn't work well.  So, tentatively we're thinking
Mon/Tues, June 5th and 6th, in New York hosted by Adobe.

To get an idea of attendance/viability of this date, please fill out this
We'll want to nail down the date soon such that we can get two-month notice
out, likely before we really get the WG going.


Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 19:56:51 UTC