Re: Musings on PWP Offline/Online Modes

On Jan 5, 2016, at 9:41 AM, Leonard Rosenthol <<>> wrote:

Nick – the specifics of how an RS chooses (or not) to cache are out of scope for PWP.  They may make sense for some sort of format-specific work (eg. best practices for PWP with EPUB) but we don’t care about it here.

Remember – PWP is format/packaging and implementation agnostic.   (we seemed to all agree to that pre-holidays)

The fact that an existing web technology can solve a critical use case for PWP is on-topic in my opinion, and learning about such things can only help our work. Such technologies may not be a part of the documents we produce, but saying "we don't care about it here" I think sends the wrong message.

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Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2016 15:25:31 UTC