Re: Best citation format for accessibility


On 22 Sep 2015, at 18:43, Bill Kasdorf <> wrote:

> But frankly, if the purpose is just getting to the cited resource, then rather than a link to the JATS info, it seems more straightforward to just implement the link to the cited resource that is usually already in that citation (having been put there based on the JATS markup in the citation and in the metadata of the cited article).

And this makes me think about what I tend to call 'complex document substructures'… There is excellent support for some complex document substructures in HTML, for example for lists, tables and with the advent of MathML on HTML, for mathematical expression/equations/formulae. There are no mechanisms for complex document substructures in other cases [no, SVG doesn't count because it might be complex but is not well prepared to express semantic structure], and unfortunately HTML5 cannot be extended by 'custom tags' or tags from some other tag language (whereas that is possible for SVG…).

Now, if we take citations as a worthwhile example of a complex document substructure, and also look at other examples of complex document substructures, like diagram, bar charts, maps, musical notation, etc. - can we think of an approach that not only serves citations but also (some of) the other types/classes of complex document substructure? My main interest here is not to run the risk of fragmenting the landscape even further such that each individual problem gets its own specialist solution… (despite the fact that one could argue they all belong to the same class of problems)


Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 17:04:30 UTC