RE: Proposal: remove aria-describedat from the ARIA 1.1 specification

I couldn’t agree more.


*From:* Bill Kasdorf []
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:34 PM
*To:* Deborah Kaplan <>; Janina Sajka <>
*Cc:* White, Jason J <>; Ivan Herman <>; Daniel
Weck <>; Richard Schwerdtfeger <>;
Avneesh Singh <>; Charles LaPierre <>; Juan Corona <>; George
Kerscher <>; DPUB mailing list (
<>; PF ( <>;
Ric Wright <>; Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken <>; Zheng Xu <>
*Subject:* RE: Proposal: remove aria-describedat from the ARIA 1.1

And to elaborate a bit on my +1:

This would also reinforce the principle that features that make
publications accessible make them better for all users.

This is not a slogan or an aspiration. It happens actually to be true. ;-)

Not to mention that the ultimate goal is that there should really not need
to be a version of a publication especially created for users who need AT.
Ideally we should all be able to use the same publication. (That,
admittedly, is a bit aspirational.)

So the more that things needed for AT become givens, simply taken for
granted in the creation of all publications, the better.

--Bill Kasdorf

*From:* Bill Kasdorf
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:12 PM
*To:* Deborah Kaplan; Janina Sajka
*Cc:* White, Jason J; Ivan Herman; Daniel Weck; Richard Schwerdtfeger;
Avneesh Singh; Charles LaPierre; Juan Corona; George Kerscher; DPUB mailing
list (; PF (; Ric Wright;
Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken; Zheng Xu
*Subject:* RE: Proposal: remove aria-describedat from the ARIA 1.1


*From:* Deborah Kaplan [
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:52 PM
*To:* Janina Sajka
*Cc:* White, Jason J; Ivan Herman; Daniel Weck; Richard Schwerdtfeger;
Avneesh Singh; Charles LaPierre; Juan Corona; George Kerscher; DPUB mailing
list (; PF (; Ric Wright;
Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken; Zheng Xu
*Subject:* Re: Proposal: remove aria-describedat from the ARIA 1.1

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Janina Sajka <> wrote:

Is there another way that preserves the "no AT required" benefit? I
regret I don't see what it could be, but it would be good if we could
find a reliable robust way to do this without requiring AT.

Sure: acknowledge that plenty of already existing ARIA markup has vital
uses to keyboard, magnification, and other disabled users who don't use AT,
and accept that it might be time to stop restricting ARIA to AT users only.

Deborah Kaplan

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 21:45:23 UTC