$25 discount on Metadata Handbook for DPUB IG

Hi, folks-

On our last call, I mentioned that Renee Register and Thad McIlroy's METADATA HANDBOOK just came out in its second edition and Renee is offering a $25 discount off the $95 price to DPUB IG members through April (offer expires April 30).

This is really the best, most comprehensive reference on metadata for publishers, and it's written in a very accessible style. While you personally may not need or want this, it's likely others in your organization could benefit from it.

If you're interested you can order it from www.themetadatahandbook.com<http://www.themetadatahandbook.com/> and you need to use the discount code 3XV0LKCG8IRI. At the moment it's only available as a PDF but EPUB, print, and Kindle versions will be available in the next few weeks. I'll send an update when those are available.

--Bill K

P.S. I had no involvement in producing or selling this (beyond providing some comments on metadata for it, as did a couple other folks on the IG). Just thought you'd want to know about the discount offer.

Bill Kasdorf
Vice President, Apex Content Solutions
Apex CoVantage
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Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 21:59:38 UTC