follow up on service workers for publishing platform

Hi All,

We had to close yesterday's discussion about using Service Workers within a publishing platform before we finished the conversation [1].  I've put together a list of questions/discussion points that I think were floating around to restart the discussion. Please add to the list or adjust the questions as you see fit:

1.       The current model [2] requires the content to explicitly refer to the JS (service worker). (i.e. the scripts modify the content). Is this a problem for PWP?

2.       We established that it is possible to decouple scripts and the content for "offlinification" using  Service Workers.  We are interested in seeing code samples to this effect, not just establishing the fact that this is possible.  Samples welcome.

3.       We began to discuss the possibility of accessing components of the zip (or whatever packaging mechanism is in place) without downloading the whole package. For example, Readium streams.

4.       How do we (as a group) recommend approaching the file format for PWP? Let's not necessarily get hung up on the details of Service Workers. We have yet to define what is in the package.



Tzviya Siegman
Digital Book Standards & Capabilities Lead

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2015 13:56:29 UTC