[Minutes] 2014-03-17 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

Hi all,

The minutes of the Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 
dated 2014-03-17 are now available at


These public minutes are also linked  from the dpub wiki

Also find these minutes in a text version following, for your convenience.


Thierry Michel


Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

Minutes of 17 March 2014

           [1]Bill Kasdorf, [2]Dave Cramer, [3]Gerardo Capiel,
           [4]Ivan Herman, [5]Liza Daly, [6]Luc Audrain, [7]Markus
           Gylling, [8]Robert Sanderson, [9]Thierry Michel,
           [10]Tzviya Siegman

       [1] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf
       [2] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Dave_Cramer
       [3] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel
       [4] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman
       [5] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly
       [6] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain
       [7] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling
       [8] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Robert_Sanderson
       [9] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Thierry_Michel
      [10] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

           [11]Dave Cramer

      [11] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Dave_Cramer

    IRC Log

      [12] http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-irc



    [13]Dave Cramer: Zakim, who is here? [14]←
15:00:12 <Zakim> DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started, dauwhe

      [13] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Dave_Cramer

    Zakim IRC Bot: DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started, dauwhe
15:00:14 <Zakim> On IRC I see tzviya, gcapiel, philm, liza, Vlad, mgylli
ng, tmichel, karen, dshkolnik, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, astearns__, dauwhe
, richardschwerdtfeger, liam, plinss, trackbot

    Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see tzviya, gcapiel, philm, liza, Vlad,
    mgylling, tmichel, karen, dshkolnik, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan,
    astearns__, dauwhe, richardschwerdtfeger, liam, plinss,
    trackbot [16]←
15:00:42 <azaroth> zakim, who is here?

    [17]Robert Sanderson: zakim, who is here? [18]←
15:00:42 <Zakim> DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started, azaroth

      [17] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Robert_Sanderson

    Zakim IRC Bot: DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started,
    azaroth [19]←
15:00:43 <Zakim> On IRC I see azaroth, Luc, tzviya, gcapiel, philm, liza
, Vlad, mgylling, tmichel, karen, dshkolnik, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, aste
arns__, dauwhe, richardschwerdtfeger, liam, plinss,

    Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see azaroth, Luc, tzviya, gcapiel,
    philm, liza, Vlad, mgylling, tmichel, karen, dshkolnik, Zakim,
    RRSAgent, ivan, astearns__, dauwhe, richardschwerdtfeger, liam,
    plinss, [20]←
15:00:43 <Zakim> ... trackbot

    Zakim IRC Bot: ... trackbot [21]←
15:00:49 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

    [22]Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip [23]←
15:00:49 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

      [22] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made [24]←
15:01:05 <ivan> zakim, who is here?

    [25]Ivan Herman: zakim, who is here? [26]←
15:01:05 <Zakim> DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started, ivan

      [25] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    Zakim IRC Bot: DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has not yet started, ivan
15:01:06 <Zakim> On IRC I see Julie, azaroth, Luc, tzviya, gcapiel, phil
m, liza, Vlad, mgylling, tmichel, karen, dshkolnik, Zakim, RRSAgent, iva
n, astearns__, dauwhe, richardschwerdtfeger, liam,

    Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Julie, azaroth, Luc, tzviya,
    gcapiel, philm, liza, Vlad, mgylling, tmichel, karen,
    dshkolnik, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, astearns__, dauwhe,
    richardschwerdtfeger, liam, [28]←
15:01:06 <Zakim> ... plinss, trackbot

    Zakim IRC Bot: ... plinss, trackbot [29]←
15:01:15 <ivan> zakim, who is noisy?

    [30]Ivan Herman: zakim, who is noisy? [31]←
15:01:16 <Zakim> sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this is

      [30] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this
    is [32]←
15:01:53 <gcapiel> Weird it didn't see the phone coming in

    [33]Gerardo Capiel: Weird it didn't see the phone coming in
15:01:57 <liza> Zakim has a case of the Mondays

      [33] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    [35]Liza Daly: Zakim has a case of the Mondays [36]←
15:02:34 <liza> Please mute, someone is very loud

      [35] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly

    [37]Liza Daly: Please mute, someone is very loud [38]←
15:02:43 <ivan> zakim, mute me

      [37] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly

    [39]Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me [40]←
15:02:43 <Zakim> sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this is

      [39] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this
    is [41]←
15:02:51 <liza> Quiet now

    [42]Liza Daly: Quiet now [43]←
15:04:50 <tmichel> rrsagent, draft minutes

      [42] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly

    [44]Thierry Michel: rrsagent, draft minutes [45]←
15:04:50 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.or
g/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html tmichel

      [44] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Thierry_Michel

    RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate
    [46]http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html tmichel
15:06:17 <dauwhe> scribenick: dauwhe

      [46] http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html

    (Scribe set to [48]Dave Cramer)
15:06:43 <dauwhe> mgylling: welcome Paul Belfanti

      [48] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Dave_Cramer

    [49]Markus Gylling: welcome Paul Belfanti [50]←
15:06:47 <liza> Welcome!

      [49] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [51]Liza Daly: Welcome! [52]←
15:07:03 <dauwhe> ... Director of content architecture at Pearson

      [51] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly

    ... Director of content architecture at Pearson [53]←
15:07:13 <dauwhe> ... co-chair of EDUPUB workshop

    ... co-chair of EDUPUB workshop [54]←
15:07:48 <dauwhe> Paul, are you on IRC?

    Paul, are you on IRC? [55]←
15:08:48 <dauwhe> mgylling: previous minutes

    [56]Markus Gylling: previous minutes [57]←
15:08:54 <dauwhe> ... any objection to approve?

      [56] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... any objection to approve? [58]←
15:08:58 <dauwhe> ... minutes are approved.

    ... minutes are approved. [59]←
15:09:05 <dauwhe> ... Subject: TPAC

    ... Subject: TPAC [60]←
15:09:08 <tzviya> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/
2014Mar/0031.html minutes from last week

    [61]Tzviya Siegman:
    ar/0031.html minutes from last week [63]←
15:09:39 <dauwhe> ... some back-and-forth; meeting will likely be Thursd

      [61] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    ... some back-and-forth; meeting will likely be Thursday-Friday
15:09:46 <dauwhe> ... will not be parallel with CSSWG

    ... will not be parallel with CSSWG [65]←
15:09:59 <dauwhe> ... which is good and bad

    ... which is good and bad [66]←
15:10:12 <dauwhe> ... parallel with HTMLWG

    ... parallel with HTMLWG [67]←
15:10:27 <dauwhe> Ivan: we may need Robin or Mike Smith

    [68]Ivan Herman: we may need Robin or Mike Smith

      [68] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [69]Markus Gylling: Ivan will fill in form later today [70]←
15:10:49 <dauwhe> ... any other housekeeping items?

      [69] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... any other housekeeping items? [71]←
15:11:33 <dauwhe> ... Organization of task forces

    ... Organization of task forces [72]←
15:11:34 <Luc> Luc is mute locally

    [73]Luc Audrain: Luc is mute locally [74]←
15:11:38 <dauwhe> ... others have been slow

      [73] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain

    ... others have been slow [75]←
15:11:47 <dauwhe> ... we need organization that fits the resources we ha

    ... we need organization that fits the resources we have [76]←
15:11:47 <tzviya> is someone on a bus?

    [77]Tzviya Siegman: is someone on a bus? [78]←
15:11:52 <dauwhe> ... we will consolidate

      [77] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    ... we will consolidate [79]←
15:12:10 <dauwhe> ... and we will document short-term goals for each tas
k force

    ... and we will document short-term goals for each task force
15:12:20 <dauwhe> ... not necessarily singular, but that's fine

    ... not necessarily singular, but that's fine [81]←
15:12:33 <dauwhe> ... so we have more tangible and easy-to-address work

    ... so we have more tangible and easy-to-address work items
15:12:39 <dauwhe> ... today we'll go through the task forces

    ... today we'll go through the task forces [83]←
15:12:59 <dauwhe> ... the options were discussed by co-chairs, Tzviya,.
and Ivan

    ... the options were discussed by co-chairs, Tzviya,. and Ivan
15:13:20 <dauwhe> ... a task force for content and markup

    ... a task force for content and markup [85]←
15:13:34 <dauwhe> ... this "swallows" behavioural adaption and ??

    ... this "swallows" behavioural adaption and STEM [86]←
15:13:42 <dauwhe> ... led by Tzviya

    ... led by Tzviya [87]←
15:13:47 <liza> STEM

    [88]Liza Daly: STEM [89]←
15:13:53 <mgylling> s/??/STEM
15:14:03 <dauwhe> tzviya: we will not be addressing images aspect of thi

      [88] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Liza_Daly

    [90]Tzviya Siegman: we will not be addressing images aspect of
    this [91]←
15:14:14 <dauwhe> ... some MathML and STEM stuff may have included image

      [90] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    ... some MathML and STEM stuff may have included images [92]←
15:14:23 <dauwhe> mgylling: we talked a lot about overlap

    [93]Markus Gylling: we talked a lot about overlap [94]←
15:14:34 <dauwhe> ... in A11Y there's lots of interest in SVG

      [93] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... in A11Y there's lots of interest in SVG [95]←
15:14:45 <dauwhe> ... it's a crosscutting concern everywhere

    ... it's a crosscutting concern everywhere [96]←
15:15:07 <dauwhe> ... need to handle these issues where they arise

    ... need to handle these issues where they arise [97]←
15:15:17 <dauwhe> tzviya: not on wiki yet

    [98]Tzviya Siegman: not on wiki yet [99]←
15:15:21 <Luc> +q

      [98] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [100]Luc Audrain: +q [101]←
15:15:33 <dauwhe> ... we had call on Friday with Rich and Robin about ad
dressing issue of epub:type

     [100] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain

    ... we had call on Friday with Rich and Robin about addressing
    issue of epub:type [102]←
15:15:42 <dauwhe> ... and extend the structural semantic vocabulary

    ... and extend the structural semantic vocabulary [103]←
15:15:50 <dauwhe> ... how to refine the terms that exist in publishing

    ... how to refine the terms that exist in publishing [104]←
15:16:04 <tzviya> https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Summary_of_20140314_St

    [105]Tzviya Siegman:
    Semantics_Call [106]←
15:16:06 <dauwhe> ... discussions are outlined in [link TK]

     [105] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    ... discussions are outlined in [link TK] [107]←
15:16:12 <dauwhe> ... will incorporate into ARIA

    ... will incorporate into ARIA [108]←
15:16:21 <dauwhe> ... IDPF will maintain vocab

    ... IDPF will maintain vocab [109]←
15:16:26 <dauwhe> ... validated by W3C validator

    ... validated by W3C validator [110]←
15:16:45 <dauwhe> ... EDUPUB alliance will help build vocab along with I

    ... EDUPUB alliance will help build vocab along with IG [111]←
15:17:01 <dauwhe> mgylling: in terms of wiki link, and this IG producing
  necessary docs

    [112]Markus Gylling: in terms of wiki link, and this IG
    producing necessary docs [113]←
15:17:19 <dauwhe> ... should 1st deliverable of task force outline use c
ases for structural semantics and inflection

     [112] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... should 1st deliverable of task force outline use cases for
    structural semantics and inflection [114]←
15:17:22 <Luc> overlap with metadata TF on content markup?

    [115]Luc Audrain: overlap with metadata TF on content markup?
15:17:25 <dauwhe> ... why do we want to do this?

     [115] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain

    ... why do we want to do this? [117]←
15:17:32 <dauwhe> ... when HTML5 is so great already

    ... when HTML5 is so great already [118]←
15:17:54 <dauwhe> ... should task force discuss topic at general level?
Here's the use cases that underline topic

    ... should task force discuss topic at general level? Here's
    the use cases that underline topic [119]←
15:18:06 <dauwhe> ... and also discuss and track primary options, like r
ole attribute

    ... and also discuss and track primary options, like role
    attribute [120]←
15:18:13 <dauwhe> tzviya: that makes sense

    [121]Tzviya Siegman: that makes sense [122]←
15:18:23 <dauwhe> mgylling: i have some sources of documenation

     [121] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [123]Markus Gylling: i have some sources of documenation [124]←
15:18:42 <dauwhe> ... action item for mgylling and tzviya to produce 1st
  version of doc

     [123] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... action item for mgylling and tzviya to produce 1st version
    of doc [125]←
15:18:54 <dauwhe> ... changes in ARIA 1.1 and potentially HTML5 and in V

    ... changes in ARIA 1.1 and potentially HTML5 and in Validator
15:18:57 <ivan> q+

    [127]Ivan Herman: q+ [128]←
15:19:00 <dauwhe> ... lots of issue tracking required

     [127] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... lots of issue tracking required [129]←
15:19:08 <dauwhe> ... good use of IG time

    ... good use of IG time [130]←
15:19:09 <mgylling> ack ivan

    [131]Markus Gylling: ack ivan [132]←
15:19:16 <mgylling> ack Luc

     [131] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [133]Markus Gylling: ack Luc [134]←
15:19:25 <dauwhe> Luc: overlap with metadata task force?

     [133] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [135]Luc Audrain: overlap with metadata task force? [136]←
15:19:30 <dauwhe> ... due to semantic markup

     [135] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain

    ... due to semantic markup [137]←
15:19:45 <dauwhe> ... also interested in content markup

    ... also interested in content markup [138]←
15:20:04 <dauwhe> ... when you speak about ARIA, you are bringing many s
emantic markup to the deepest level of the content

    ... when you speak about ARIA, you are bringing many semantic
    markup to the deepest level of the content [139]←
15:20:15 <dauwhe> Ivan: yes, there a clear connection here

    [140]Ivan Herman: yes, there a clear connection here [141]←
15:20:24 <dauwhe> ... What we discussed with Rich and others

     [140] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... What we discussed with Rich and others [142]←
15:20:49 <dauwhe> ... we would have a mechanism where role attribute cou
ld be used for terms or issues that are not necessarily covered by a18y

    ... we would have a mechanism where role attribute could be
    used for terms or issues that are not necessarily covered by
    a18y [143]←
15:21:12 <dauwhe> ... this mechanism can be used for educational purpose
s, or for things like indexes or glossaries

    ... this mechanism can be used for educational purposes, or for
    things like indexes or glossaries [144]←
15:21:37 <dauwhe> ... find a mechanism that works everywhere, uses attri
bute based information rather than XML vocab

    ... find a mechanism that works everywhere, uses attribute
    based information rather than XML vocab [145]←
15:21:49 <dauwhe> ... we need to establish this mechanism

    [146]Ivan Herman: we need to establish this mechanism [147]←
15:21:57 <dauwhe> bring together ARIA, EPUB, HTML5, etc.

     [146] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    bring together ARIA, EPUB, HTML5, etc. [148]←
15:22:05 <dauwhe> s/.../Ivan:
15:22:21 <dauwhe> Ivan: question for Tzviya

    [149]Ivan Herman: question for Tzviya [150]←
15:22:27 <dauwhe> ... did we agree on another call?

     [149] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... did we agree on another call? [151]←
15:22:42 <dauwhe> ... there were technical issues about ARIA attribues

    ... there were technical issues about ARIA attribues [152]←
15:22:48 <dauwhe> tzviya: we did not set up another call

    [153]Tzviya Siegman: we did not set up another call [154]←
15:23:13 <dauwhe> Ivan: what do we do about that? Do we contact Rich?

     [153] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [155]Ivan Herman: what do we do about that? Do we contact Rich?
15:23:30 <dauwhe> tzviya: he's set on sticking with role attribute

     [155] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [157]Tzviya Siegman: he's set on sticking with role attribute
15:23:40 <dauwhe> ... other attributes would be much lengthier conversat

     [157] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    ... other attributes would be much lengthier conversation
15:23:50 <dauwhe> mgylling: not urgent to have another call

    [160]Markus Gylling: not urgent to have another call [161]←
15:23:57 <dauwhe> ... Rich has filed issue in ARIA tracker

     [160] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... Rich has filed issue in ARIA tracker [162]←
15:24:10 <dauwhe> ... next thing is PF needs to sort out in ARIA 1.1

    ... next thing is PF needs to sort out in ARIA 1.1 [163]←
15:24:22 <dauwhe> ... we should particpating in PF calls

    ... we should particpating in PF calls [164]←
15:24:29 <dauwhe> Ivan: what is next step for us?

    [165]Ivan Herman: what is next step for us? [166]←
15:24:36 <dauwhe> tzviya: put use cases behind this

     [165] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [167]Tzviya Siegman: put use cases behind this
15:24:53 <dauwhe> mgylling: you'll be updating wiki

     [167] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [168]Markus Gylling: you'll be updating wiki [169]←
15:24:56 <dauwhe> tzviya: yes

     [168] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [170]Tzviya Siegman: yes [171]←
15:25:01 <dauwhe> Ivan: one liner as well?

     [170] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [172]Ivan Herman: one liner as well? [173]←
15:25:08 <dauwhe> mgylling: that's what I meant

     [172] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [174]Markus Gylling: that's what I meant [175]←
15:25:13 <dauwhe> ... we'll work jointly on document

     [174] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... we'll work jointly on document [176]←
15:25:22 <dauwhe> ... anything more on content and markup?

    ... anything more on content and markup? [177]←
15:25:34 <dauwhe> ... so work on MathML and STEM is dormant at the momen

    ... so work on MathML and STEM is dormant at the moment [178]←
15:25:40 <mgylling> q?

    [179]Markus Gylling: q? [180]←
15:25:47 <dauwhe> ... moving on to metadata

     [179] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... moving on to metadata [181]←
15:26:08 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: last week's call was very helpful

    [182]Bill Kasdorf: last week's call was very helpful [183]←
15:26:18 <dauwhe> ... talked to Madi after the meeting

     [182] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... talked to Madi after the meeting [184]←
15:26:33 <dauwhe> ... made extensive edit to wiki, but didn't work quite

    ... made extensive edit to wiki, but didn't work quite right
15:26:47 <gcapiel> Except with regards to a11y on STEM and math

    [186]Gerardo Capiel: Except with regards to a11y on STEM and
    math [187]←
15:27:09 <dauwhe> ... let's first just find out what are the urgent issu
es from pub POV

     [186] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    ... let's first just find out what are the urgent issues from
    pub POV [188]←
15:27:20 <dauwhe> ... asking them what the W3C can do about it is harder

    ... asking them what the W3C can do about it is harder [189]←
15:27:28 <dauwhe> ... just asking what is hard gets all sorts of answers

    ... just asking what is hard gets all sorts of answers [190]←
15:28:10 <dauwhe> moderator is mucking up the works :)

    moderator is mucking up the works :) [191]←
15:28:28 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: having some issues with wiki

    [192]Bill Kasdorf: having some issues with wiki [193]←
15:28:49 <tzviya> * once it;s on the wiki, you can link

     [192] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    [194]Tzviya Siegman: * once it;s on the wiki, you can link
15:29:13 <ivan> -> https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Task_Forces/Metadata#

     [194] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [196]Ivan Herman: ->
15:29:45 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: summary here https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/

     [196] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [198]Bill Kasdorf: summary here
15:30:28 <dauwhe> ... hand-pick knowledgeable folks, and interview them

     [198] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... hand-pick knowledgeable folks, and interview them [200]←
15:30:50 <dauwhe> ... let's see what that blitz of interviewing surfaces

    ... let's see what that blitz of interviewing surfaces [201]←
15:30:54 <dauwhe> ... what common threads?

    ... what common threads? [202]←
15:30:59 <dauwhe> ... do that in a couple weeks

    ... do that in a couple weeks [203]←
15:31:05 <dauwhe> ... I have list of people to talk to

    ... I have list of people to talk to [204]←
15:31:10 <dauwhe> ... I did half last week

    ... I did half last week [205]←
15:31:18 <dauwhe> ... Laura Dawson at Bowker

    ... Laura Dawson at Bowker [206]←
15:31:24 <dauwhe> ... Fran Toolan at Firebrand

    ... Fran Toolan at Firebrand [207]←
15:31:44 <dauwhe> ... co-authors of metadata handbook

    ... co-authors of metadata handbook [208]←
15:31:52 <dauwhe> ... all those are book-oriented people

    ... all those are book-oriented people [209]←
15:32:01 <dauwhe> ... didn't reach Graham Bell of Editeur

    ... didn't reach Graham Bell of Editeur [210]←
15:32:13 <dauwhe> ... ??? and ??? from Crossref, involved with STEM

    ... ??? and ??? from Crossref, involved with STEM [211]←
15:32:37 <dauwhe> ... they have a sucessful metadata service that the sc
holarly publishing world depends on

    ... they have a sucessful metadata service that the scholarly
    publishing world depends on [212]←
15:32:45 <dauwhe> ... Diane Kennedy at IDEAlliance

    ... Diane Kennedy at IDEAlliance [213]←
15:32:54 <dauwhe> ... others for Magazine metadata

    ... others for Magazine metadata [214]←
15:33:02 <dauwhe> ... Kevin Hawkins library

    ... Kevin Hawkins library [215]←
15:33:11 <dauwhe> ... Julie Morris and Len Vlahos of BISG

    ... Julie Morris and Len Vlahos of BISG [216]←
15:33:21 <dauwhe> ... BISG has lots of members who are not W3C members

    ... BISG has lots of members who are not W3C members [217]←
15:33:28 <dauwhe> ... BISG has metadata committee

    ... BISG has metadata committee [218]←
15:33:40 <dauwhe> ... and committees for BISAC and ONIX

    ... and committees for BISAC and ONIX [219]←
15:34:04 <dauwhe> ... summarized first four interviews in wiki

    ... summarized first four interviews in wiki [220]←
15:34:19 <dauwhe> ... these were all book people

    ... these were all book people [221]←
15:34:29 <dauwhe> ... metadata is complex, rich, enormous subject

    ... metadata is complex, rich, enormous subject [222]←
15:34:36 <dauwhe> ... have trouble getting their heads around it

    ... have trouble getting their heads around it [223]←
15:34:46 <dauwhe> ... the problem isn't the metadata, it's how to use it

    ... the problem isn't the metadata, it's how to use it [224]←
15:35:02 <dauwhe> ... common theme... it's all about discovery and selli
ng books

    ... common theme... it's all about discovery and selling books
15:35:12 <dauwhe> ... aligns with Madi's point when starting IG

    ... aligns with Madi's point when starting IG [226]←
15:35:24 <dauwhe> ... also need more granular metadata, need at lower th
an title level

    ... also need more granular metadata, need at lower than title
    level [227]←
15:35:25 <Zakim> restarting zakim-bot in 2 minutes to recover bridge con

    Zakim IRC Bot: restarting zakim-bot in 2 minutes to recover
    bridge connection [228]←
15:35:39 <dauwhe> ... two issues:

    ... two issues: [229]←
15:35:55 <dauwhe> ... one, expanded use of role attribute

    ... one, expanded use of role attribute [230]←
15:36:06 <dauwhe> ... put subject metadata at granular level in content

    ... put subject metadata at granular level in content [231]←
15:36:23 <dauwhe> mgylling: are you continuing to do interviews?

    [232]Markus Gylling: are you continuing to do interviews?
15:36:39 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: one other issue is profusion of vocabula

     [232] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [234]Bill Kasdorf: one other issue is profusion of vocabularies
15:36:57 <dauwhe> ... use your own controlled vocabulary like LOC, thema

     [234] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... use your own controlled vocabulary like LOC, thema [236]←
15:37:07 <dauwhe> ... another case for something vastly simpler, like sc

    ... another case for something vastly simpler, like schema.org
15:37:25 <ivan> q+

    [238]Ivan Herman: q+ [239]←
15:37:37 <dauwhe> ... I'm taking a broad approach

     [238] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... I'm taking a broad approach [240]←
15:37:47 <dauwhe> ... Madi is talking to people at Pearson

    ... Madi is talking to people at Pearson [241]←
15:37:51 <dauwhe> mgylling: thanks bill

    [242]Markus Gylling: thanks bill [243]←
15:37:55 <dauwhe> Ivan: small remark:

     [242] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [244]Ivan Herman: small remark: [245]←
15:37:55 <mgylling> ack ivan

     [244] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [246]Markus Gylling: ack ivan [247]←
15:38:12 <dauwhe> ... we have close relationshiop with key people in sch

     [246] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... we have close relationship with key people in schema.org
15:38:33 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: not sure where to put interview summarie
s in wiki

    [249]Bill Kasdorf: not sure where to put interview summaries in
    wiki [250]←
15:38:41 <ivan> s/relationshiop/relationship/
15:38:45 <dauwhe> mgylling: I love data like this from the real world

     [249] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    [251]Markus Gylling: I love data like this from the real world
15:39:00 <dauwhe> ... first: interviewees need to accept that you're pub
lishing their statements

     [251] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... first: interviewees need to accept that you're publishing
    their statements [253]←
15:39:14 <dauwhe> ... second: is it correct that there will be a consoli
dated report?

    ... second: is it correct that there will be a consolidated
    report? [254]←
15:39:19 <ivan> I would certainly prefer to anonymize the data if we put
  it on the wiki

    [255]Ivan Herman: I would certainly prefer to anonymize the
    data if we put it on the wiki [256]←
15:39:21 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: yes, of course.

     [255] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [257]Bill Kasdorf: yes, of course. [258]←
15:39:29 <dauwhe> mgylling: that's your first delivierable

     [257] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    [259]Markus Gylling: that's your first delivierable [260]←
15:39:43 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: will include some issues that are not in
  scope of W3C

     [259] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [261]Bill Kasdorf: will include some issues that are not in
    scope of W3C [262]←
15:39:56 <dauwhe> ... not all these issues are W3C issues

     [261] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... not all these issues are W3C issues [263]←
15:40:16 <dauwhe> mgylling: I don't know if Ivan has concerns about that
, I think it gives us a grip on the big picture

    [264]Markus Gylling: I don't know if Ivan has concerns about
    that, I think it gives us a grip on the big picture [265]←
15:40:30 <dauwhe> Ivan: We can't know what is in scope unless we know wh
at's out of scope

     [264] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [266]Ivan Herman: We can't know what is in scope unless we know
    what's out of scope [267]←
15:40:57 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: ONIX is huge, BISAC is huge, lots of inc
onsistency in ecosystem

     [266] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [268]Bill Kasdorf: ONIX is huge, BISAC is huge, lots of
    inconsistency in ecosystem [269]←
15:41:04 <dauwhe> ... W3C can't solve that problem

     [268] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... W3C can't solve that problem [270]←
15:41:17 <dauwhe> ...W3C can help with simple  thing on top of rich voca

    ...W3C can help with simple thing on top of rich vocabs [271]←
15:41:45 <dauwhe> mgylling: if long-term goal is digi pub is first-class
  citizen of web, then all this needs to work

    [272]Markus Gylling: if long-term goal is digi pub is
    first-class citizen of web, then all this needs to work [273]←
15:42:05 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: it's all about discovery, and thus it's
all about Google

     [272] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [274]Bill Kasdorf: it's all about discovery, and thus it's all
    about Google [275]←
15:42:39 <dauwhe> mgylling: we were going to talk about metadata today

     [274] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    [276]Markus Gylling: we were going to talk about metadata today
15:42:47 <gcapiel> More reason for Schema.org

     [276] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [278]Gerardo Capiel: More reason for Schema.org [279]←
15:42:49 <dauwhe> ... do you want to reschedule dedicated metadata call

     [278] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    ... do you want to reschedule dedicated metadata call [280]←
15:43:11 <dauwhe> Bill_Kasdorf: optimal time is when we complete intervi
ews and write up summaries

    [281]Bill Kasdorf: optimal time is when we complete interviews
    and write up summaries [282]←
15:43:15 <dauwhe> ... next week is too soon

     [281] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    ... next week is too soon [283]←
15:43:27 <dauwhe> ... good idea, we'll fix a date later

    ... good idea, we'll fix a date later [284]←
15:43:31 <dauwhe> mgylling: a11y

    [285]Markus Gylling: a11y [286]←
15:43:43 <dauwhe> ... Topic: a11y

     [285] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... Topic: a11y [287]←
15:43:53 <dauwhe> gcapiel: didn't sync up with Suzanne

    [288]Gerardo Capiel: didn't sync up with Suzanne [289]←
15:44:05 <dauwhe> ... did add to wiki

     [288] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    ... did add to wiki [290]←
15:44:13 <dauwhe> ... some of what I think should be the current goals

    ... some of what I think should be the current goals [291]←
15:44:26 <dauwhe> ... I looked at user agent accessiblity guidelines

    ... I looked at user agent accessiblity guidelines [292]←
15:44:38 <dauwhe> ... worth reviewing that, and proposing edits to take
into account digital publishing

    ... worth reviewing that, and proposing edits to take into
    account digital publishing [293]←
15:44:40 <ivan> a11y's one liner on the web: "Review UAAG, EPUB 3 a11y f
eatures/guidelines particularly media overlays, CSS Speech, Braille, and

    [294]Ivan Herman: a11y's one liner on the web: "Review UAAG,
    EPUB 3 a11y features/guidelines particularly media overlays,
    CSS Speech, Braille, and SVG" [295]←
15:44:56 <ivan> q+

     [294] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [296]Ivan Herman: q+ [297]←
15:44:56 <dauwhe> ... go through EPUB3 accessibliity document that Matt
Garish did

     [296] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... go through EPUB3 accessibliity document that Matt Garish
    did [298]←
15:45:08 <dauwhe> ... we haven't talked about media overlays much

    ... we haven't talked about media overlays much [299]←
15:45:20 <dauwhe> ... including an audio file with content is part of it

    ... including an audio file with content is part of it [300]←
15:45:28 <dauwhe> ... but there are things like skippability

    ... but there are things like skippability [301]←
15:45:37 <dauwhe> ... which are covered in EPUB3 but not in OWP

    ... which are covered in EPUB3 but not in OWP [302]←
15:46:06 <dauwhe> ... other areas are CSS speech

    ... other areas are CSS speech [303]←
15:46:14 <dauwhe> ... where the gaps are with braille support

    ... where the gaps are with braille support [304]←
15:46:20 <dauwhe> ... some work with SVG and aria roles

    ... some work with SVG and aria roles [305]←
15:46:32 <dauwhe> ... that's also under current goals, working with rich
  and shepazau

    ... that's also under current goals, working with rich and
    shepazu [306]←
15:46:49 <dauwhe> mgylling: that ties in with Tzviya's work on semantic

    [307]Markus Gylling: that ties in with Tzviya's work on
    semantic vocab [308]←
15:46:54 <ivan> s/shepazau/shepazu/
15:47:01 <dauwhe> gcapiel: we're thinging from a11y perspective

     [307] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [309]Gerardo Capiel: we're thinging from a11y perspective
15:47:12 <Bill_Kasdorf> re the wiki link to metadata, the updated conten
t is NOT yet appearing there

     [309] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    [311]Bill Kasdorf: re the wiki link to metadata, the updated
    content is NOT yet appearing there [312]←
15:47:30 <dauwhe> mgylling: reviewing User agent guidelines, looking at
EPUB3 feature set and mapping to OWP... what about resources?

     [311] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Bill_Kasdorf

    [313]Markus Gylling: reviewing User agent guidelines, looking
    at EPUB3 feature set and mapping to OWP... what about
    resources? [314]←
15:47:36 <dauwhe> gcapiel: that's the biggest challeng

     [313] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [315]Gerardo Capiel: that's the biggest challeng [316]←
15:47:54 <dauwhe> ... for the next six weeks or so I have some time to w
ork on this!

     [315] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Gerardo_Capiel

    ... for the next six weeks or so I have some time to work on
    this! [317]←
15:48:07 <dauwhe> ... getting time from other folks might be tight

    ... getting time from other folks might be tight [318]←
15:48:20 <dauwhe> ... can catch up with Suzanne next week

    ... can catch up with Suzanne next week [319]←
15:48:31 <dauwhe> ... might not be able to do a meet-up with all folks i

    ... might not be able to do a meet-up with all folks involved
15:48:40 <dauwhe> mgylling: we'll get back to resource question

    [321]Markus Gylling: we'll get back to resource question [322]←
15:48:52 <mgylling> q?

     [321] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [323]Markus Gylling: q? [324]←
15:48:57 <dauwhe> ... more on a11y?

     [323] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... more on a11y? [325]←
15:49:11 <dauwhe> Ivan: any reason ??? is not mentioned here?

    [326]Ivan Herman: any reason WCAG is not mentioned here? [327]←
15:49:20 <dauwhe> ... that's a good question.

     [326] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... that's a good question. [328]←
15:49:21 <ivan> s/???/WCAG/
15:49:28 <dauwhe> ... it probably should fit into this

    ... it probably should fit into this [329]←
15:49:48 <dauwhe> ... in terms of priorities, it's more on the Reading S

    ... in terms of priorities, it's more on the Reading Systems
15:50:28 <dauwhe> ... if I had to pick one, it would be to focus on UA A
ccessiblity Guidelines, then BISG could help

    ... if I had to pick one, it would be to focus on UA
    Accessiblity Guidelines, then BISG could help [331]←
15:50:41 <dauwhe> mgylling: UAAG is in last call, which makes it more ur

    [332]Markus Gylling: UAAG is in last call, which makes it more
    urgent [333]←
15:50:47 <dauwhe> ???: ????

     [332] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ???: ???? [334]←
15:51:16 <dauwhe> mgylling: UUAG review should be prioritized

    [335]Markus Gylling: UUAG review should be prioritized [336]←
15:52:26 <dauwhe> ... topic: Latinreq

     [335] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... topic: Latinreq [337]←
15:52:30 <mgylling> q?

    [338]Markus Gylling: q? [339]←
15:52:43 <dauwhe> dauwhe: want to work on footnotes and drop caps for CS

     [338] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [340]Dave Cramer: want to work on footnotes and drop caps for
    CSS [341]←
15:52:51 <dauwhe> mgylling: topic: Annotations

     [340] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Dave_Cramer

    [342]Markus Gylling: topic: Annotations [343]←
15:53:03 <dauwhe> azaroth: some feedback on Annotations doc

     [342] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [344]Robert Sanderson: some feedback on Annotations doc [345]←
15:53:15 <dauwhe> ... some new issues that should be added

     [344] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Robert_Sanderson

    ... some new issues that should be added [346]←
15:53:35 <dauwhe> ... then we can publish an updated WD when feedback ha
s been incorporated

    ... then we can publish an updated WD when feedback has been
    incorporated [347]←
15:53:40 <dauwhe> mgylling: how long to wait?

    [348]Markus Gylling: how long to wait? [349]←
15:53:56 <dauwhe> azaroth: wait until after iAnnotate and W3C conference

     [348] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [350]Robert Sanderson: wait until after iAnnotate and W3C
    conference [351]←
15:54:00 <ivan> +1

     [350] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Robert_Sanderson

    [352]Ivan Herman: +1 [353]←
15:54:24 <dauwhe> mgylling: current goal is to collect community feedbac
k, then produce updated version?

     [352] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [354]Markus Gylling: current goal is to collect community
    feedback, then produce updated version? [355]←
15:54:29 <dauwhe> azaroth: yep.

     [354] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [356]Robert Sanderson: yep. [357]←
15:54:40 <dauwhe> mgylling: we'll clean up wiki front page

     [356] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Robert_Sanderson

    [358]Markus Gylling: we'll clean up wiki front page [359]←
15:54:49 <dauwhe> ... maybe a separate table for dormant topics?

     [358] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    ... maybe a separate table for dormant topics? [360]←
15:55:06 <dauwhe> Ivan: the front page should reflect current work

    [361]Ivan Herman: the front page should reflect current work
15:55:15 <dauwhe> ... as it's a reference for people coming to the wiki

     [361] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... as it's a reference for people coming to the wiki [363]←
15:55:32 <dauwhe> ... we can also say some topics are not currently bein
g worked on

    ... we can also say some topics are not currently being worked
    on [364]←
15:55:40 <dauwhe> ... unsure what to do with security item

    ... unsure what to do with security item [365]←
15:55:45 <dauwhe> mgylling: will talk to sharad

    [366]Markus Gylling: will talk to sharad [367]←
15:55:51 <dauwhe> Ivan: who should change table?

     [366] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [368]Ivan Herman: who should change table? [369]←
15:55:58 <dauwhe> ... won't be before tomorrow

     [368] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    ... won't be before tomorrow [370]←
15:56:17 <dauwhe> mgylling: add 2nd table below for dormant/pending/futu
re task forces, but keep on first page

    [371]Markus Gylling: add 2nd table below for
    dormant/pending/future task forces, but keep on first page
15:56:34 <dauwhe> Ivan: i will do that tomorrow

     [371] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [373]Ivan Herman: i will do that tomorrow [374]←
15:56:40 <dauwhe> mgylling: any final questions?

     [373] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [375]Markus Gylling: any final questions? [376]←
15:56:55 <dauwhe> Ivan: we must congratulate our editors, as we have our
  first publications out!

     [375] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [377]Ivan Herman: we must congratulate our editors, as we have
    our first publications out! [378]←
15:56:58 <tzviya> congratulations!

     [377] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    [379]Tzviya Siegman: congratulations! [380]←
15:57:14 <dauwhe> mgylling: and Liza is working on a blog post.

     [379] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [381]Markus Gylling: and Liza is working on a blog post. [382]←
15:57:15 <Luc> c13s

     [381] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [383]Luc Audrain: c13s [384]←
15:57:24 <tzviya> :)

     [383] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Luc_Audrain

    [385]Tzviya Siegman: :)
15:57:56 <ivan> rrsagent, draft minutes

     [385] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Tzviya_Siegman

    [386]Ivan Herman: rrsagent, draft minutes [387]←
15:57:56 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.or
g/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html ivan

     [386] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Ivan_Herman

    RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate
    [388]http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html ivan [389]←
15:58:00 <mgylling> dauwhe, thanks for scribing

     [388] http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html

    [390]Markus Gylling: dauwhe, thanks for scribing [391]←
15:59:40 <tmichel> rrsagent draft minutes

     [390] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Markus_Gylling

    [392]Thierry Michel: rrsagent draft minutes [393]←
15:59:51 <tmichel> rrsagent, draft minutes

     [392] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Thierry_Michel

    [394]Thierry Michel: rrsagent, draft minutes [395]←
15:59:51 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.or
g/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html tmichel

     [394] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Thierry_Michel

    RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate
    [396]http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html tmichel

     [396] http://www.w3.org/2014/03/17-dpub-minutes.html

Received on Monday, 17 March 2014 16:39:23 UTC