Re: [latinreq] Footnotes and columns

On Wed, 2013-12-18 at 16:39 -0500, Cramer, Dave wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> How do you place footnotes in multi-column text? I've seen the
> following:
> [1] Footnotes placed in same column as reference, at bottom of page
> [2] Footnotes placed in same column as reference, at bottom of column
> (if the column is short, the footnote will not be near the bottom of
> the page)
> [3] Footnotes in two-column layout placed only at bottom of right-hand
> column
> [4] Footnotes placed in region that spans all columns of page (so
> footnotes are 1-column even if text is multi-column).

[5] Footnotes placed in region that spans all columns of page, but which
itself multi-column (not necessarily same number of columns as the

I put some footnote examples up a few years ago for XSL-FO work:

At that time we agreed some of them were not in scope for our work: you
still need to solve the underlying problems of course, but not
necessarily with exactly the same layout. But that was for XSL-FO and
not CSS.

> I'm especially interested in what happens when columns are short,
> uneven, or if the column count changes on a page.

Uneven, 2 common cases:
1. there's a single footnote area spanning all the columns, just as tall
as the biggest stack of notes.
2. per-column footnote areas, as in e,g,

If the column-count changes, sometimes you "empty out" all footnotes in
the middle of the page, so they are really end-notes for a section.
Otherwise, the number of columns in the footnote area doesn't need to
relate to the number of columns in the body.

> I'm also curious how common it is to set footnotes in multiple columns
> when the body text is a single column.

Very common in humanities academic publishing I think, where you have a
lot of short footnotes.
also shows two levels of footnotes - per column, and per page.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 23:15:44 UTC