Slides and Github issues for 25th July 2024 DID Resolution presentation

Dear DID WG,

Attached are the slides I used during last Thursday's presentation on 
DID Resolution, basically about the current state of this document:

As I mentioned, from my perspective there are four major topics that 
this specification should cover.

I list them here, and I created corresponding Github issues to collect 
initial feedback on the general direction of these topics:

DID Resolution and DID URL Dereferencing Algorithms

DID Resolution Architectures

Serializations of DID Resolution Result and DID URL Dereferencing Result

Interface bindings (HTTPS)

There are also various other topics we can address in the WG, such as 
caching, selective disclosure, trust in DID resolution, etc.

But I think in the beginning we should check if we have high-level 
agreement about the main topics above, or if anyone feels that there is 
something fundamentally wrong or missing in this current structure and 
scope of the spec.


Received on Monday, 29 July 2024 16:15:38 UTC