7th August: DIDWG Special Topic Call - Abstract Data Model

Hi all,

Just following up from our call yesterday.

Our first special topic call will be on the 7th of August at 7am PST/ 10am
EST / 4pm CET.

We are going to focus on the abstract data model. See the following issue -

We are asking for proposals for presentations from people that provide an
overview of the abstract data model. What is it? How does it work? Why did
we choose the abstract data model in v1? What are the trade offs vs a
concrete model? What are the possible directions and decisions the group
could explore? What are the implications on other aspects of the work, e.g.
DID Resolution?

In particular, if you have experience using the abstract data model we
would like to hear from you.

The aim of this call is to set the scene and context for this issue, so we
can have meaningful discussions that advance the work.

Please reach out to the chairs *by Thursday the 1st* if you think you have
something to contribute that will help us move this work forward.

All the best,

Received on Friday, 26 July 2024 15:25:35 UTC