Re: [Potential Malicious Mail]Re: Query: Storing DID Documents on Centralized Platforms

so anyone with access to that storage could change the did doc, unless the particular method itself requires the doc to be signed by a/the controller. I think did:web is vulnerable and there may be others.

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Van: Chaals Nevile <>
verzonden: woensdag 14 februari 2024 03:42
Aan: Vigas Deep;
Onderwerp: [Potential Malicious Mail]Re: Query: Storing DID Documents on Centralized Platforms

Hello Vigas,

a DID document is just a document, and the specifications make no
particular demands on storage. So you can store it as and how you please.


On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 19:36:07 (+01:00), Vigas Deep wrote:

 > Hello people,
 > Our team is exploring storage options for DID Documents and is
 > platforms like Google Drive or GitHub alongside IPFS. Could you please
 > advise if storing DID Documents on such centralized platforms complies
 > DID standards?
 > Thank you for your guidance.
 > Best regards,

Charles 'Chaals' Nevile
Lead Standards Architect, ConsenSys Inc

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