VC Extensions Registry proposal

Hi all,

I had an Editor's action to propose a starting point for a discussion
regarding the Verifiable Credentials Extensions Registry. This is now

With a detailed JSON Schema for what constitutes a valid registry entry here:

While reading the proposals, keep in mind that these are proposals for
a *starting point*, not an end state. The expectation is that once we
adopt some subset of these proposals, that we can iterate toward a
better registry management process. The vast majority of the proposals
are ones that we achieved consensus on in the DIDWG, so the
expectation is that they shouldn't be controversial this time around
(given the amount of debate that went into them over the past 2+

Please review these proposals before W3C TPAC, where we are planning
to have a more in depth discussion about them. Chairs, this completes
my action item, feel free to schedule call time to introduce the topic
during the next VCWG call.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 4 September 2022 19:04:52 UTC