Greetings DID WG,

This email is to remind you that we will be meeting during TPAC.
The meeting is scheduled for 10am PST on 2022-09-12 [1]. It will be a
hybrid event for any WG members to join either in-person in Vancouver or
live over Zoom.

We plan to discuss the next WG charter[2] and will hopefully end up with a
draft ready to pass on to the next stage in the process.

Brent Zundel
Co-chair DID WG

[1] https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/81372ac3-ec9b-4636-b954-b93d0bf0ffcc
[2] https://github.com/w3c/did-wg-charter/

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2022 21:49:29 UTC