Fwd: About DIDs

hello DID-ers,

We received this request to the w3t press list but it seems more related to the group. If this message is of interest to anyone, please let me know and I can share Enrico’s email (I didn’t want to forward the address to a public list). 

Amy van der Hiel

>>> On Dec 15, 2021, at 3:14 PM, Enrico Bottazzi 

>>> Hello, 
>>> I’m a blockchain developer building a project based on DIDs called BYOF.
>>> BYOF (bring your own friends) allows to create a list of your friends within Ethereum and bring it to any web3 protocol. More here.
>>> It would be great to build it upon your DID standard; I’m trying to understand what are the best tools to store DID on decentralized storage networks such as IPFS. Can you help me on that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Best
>>> Enrico

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2022 18:57:45 UTC