Status of DID Core Implementation Report 2021-07-11

TL;DR: I believe we now have enough implementation support for DID Core to
proceed to the Proposed Recommendation phase.

Our latest implementation report is here:

In order to proceed to Proposed Recommendation, we need to propose and resolve
the following proposals during the next call:

PROPOSAL: While some of the normative statements around JSON Production did
not receive at least two independent implementations (datetime, double,
integer, and null), the Working Group desires to keep the normative statements
in the specification to ensure full JSON data model support so future
implementations can use the features if they have a need to express those data

PROPOSAL: While the "deactivated: false" feature only received one independent
implementation, the Working Group desires to keep the feature in the
specification. Expressing "deactivated: false" is optional. The value space
(true/false) for the "deactivated" feature was correctly implemented by more
than 2 independent implementations (no implementations used values other than
true/false). Implementers could express either "deactivated: false" or
nothing, and all implementers except for one chose the latter option.

If we pass those two resolutions, we can exit the 2nd Candidate Recommendation
Phase and go to the Proposed Recommendation Phase without cutting a single
feature from the specification.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 11 July 2021 17:56:18 UTC