Review requested on DID FO Status email to AC

Hi all,

As announced on the DID WG call yesterday, I'm going to send the following
email to the AC as an update on where we are wrt. the DID Formal Objection

The purpose of the email is to identify the remaining points of contention
between the objectors and the DID WG after having had the chance to engage
with many of the objectors. The purpose of the email IS NOT to litigate
anything -- just clearly point out the remaining points of contention and the
concrete expectations we have for the objectors to not only prove their case
but also provide a concrete path forward.

I would like it to reflect content that ideally no one in the WG would object
to, and believe it is currently in that state (Ryan and I collaborated this
morning to reflect his concerns in the letter).

Please finish reviewing and providing input/changes by COB ET on Thursday. I
will send it to the AC this coming Friday (Dec 3rd 2021).

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 18:18:10 UTC