Git and the DID WG

Lately there have been a number of questions about using git as part of our
tasks with the DID WG. The purpose of this email is to address those
questions and lay out our current recommended git methodology.

We currently have five levels of access to our github repositories:

   1. Anyone - May create issues, submit PRs through forked repositories,
   and comment on issues or PRs
   2. Group Members - May be assigned to issues, asked to review PRs, plus
   all of the above.
   3. Active Contributors - May assign group members to issues, create
   branches and PRs on the primary repository, assign labels to issues, plus
   all of the above.
   4. Editors - May close issues, and merge pull requests to the primary
   repositories, plus all of the above.
   5. Maintainers - Have the power to change settings, add people to
   groups, and change permissions, plus all of the above.

The recommended way to interact with the DID WG github repositories is to:

   1. Create a fork of the repository under your own github account.
      1. When you have done this, you will have access to two versions of
      the DID WG repository:
         1. the primary repo,
         2. and your online fork.
      2. Then you would clone the primary repo. This creates a local
   version of the repo that resides on your computer.
   3. Once you have a local version, you should set up the primary and
   forked repos as remote links.
   4. These three versions of the repository enable you to follow the
   standard git workflow:
      1. The primary repo is used to pull remote changes down to your local
      2. The local repo is used to add your changes.
      3. Your local changes can then be pushed to your online fork.
      4. Once your changes are ready to be considered for the primary repo,
      you submit a pull request from your online fork to the primary repo.
      5. Then your pull request may be merged into the primary repo.
   5. This standard git workflow can be enhanced through the use of
   branches on your local and online forks.

If the above workflow is difficult to follow and you'd like clarification,
please reach out.
There are a number of tools that you can use to manage your local git
repositories. Some use Git Desktop, other use a local IDE plus command-line
There are also numerous online guides and tutorials for learning git.

If anyone would like to participate in a basic git tutorial, which would
cover the above steps and get you set up to submit PRs to the DID WG
repositories, please let me know. I would be happy to schedule something
with you.

Thank you,
Brent Zundel, Co-chair DID WG

Received on Saturday, 2 November 2019 15:21:50 UTC