On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 10:00 AM Yoav Weiss <yoav@yoav.ws> wrote:
> +Tarun Bansal <tbansal@google.com> +Noam Helfman <noamh@microsoft.com> -
> Hey Thomas!
> This was somewhat discussed in the WebPerformance WG yesterday (rough
> minutes
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1inejuvPONXPOLKTCcUzOBhPh6QOckMcltnR-E3xyZVQ/edit?ts=5f809f01#heading=h.8gfnc7p4nih>,
> video <https://youtu.be/aID3BvpU_pE>).
> Regarding spec work, at least on my end, there's desire (but not
> necessarily immediate capacity) to revamp the API to ensure it provides
> more value to developers while emitting less entropy.
Yeah, the objective is shared between the two WGs :-)
> The use cases, at least as far as I'm concerned, are not around `type`,
> but around providing accurate measurement of the network conditions (so
> around `effectiveConnectionType` and `RTT`). (e.g. this blog post
> <https://blog.algolia.com/netinfo-api-algolia-javascript-client/>)
Just to clarify, I meant the use cases as outlined in the spec
<https://wicg.github.io/netinfo/#requirements-and-use-cases>. Marcos
Caceres confirmed my suspicion that it all started with .type, and then
later on more details were added, but the use cases in the spec not updated.
> Maybe Addy has more case studies.
That would be great!
If folks at Device & Sensors are interested in collaborating on NetInfo at
> the WICG or elsewhere, that'd be awesome! :)
We're definitely interested, judging from the discussion today.