Re: Sensors API - GC and Real-Time performance considerations.

Hi Maksims,

Thanks a lot for your email. See my comments inline.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016, at 19:11, Maksims Mihejevs wrote:
> I've been watching development process and discussions regarding
> Sensor API for some time now, and have few concerns.
> Coming from WebGL/WebVR and real-time applications area, many of users
> within that area have to access and communicate to sensors in fast and
> efficient way.
> Where applications are targeting 60fps, and even higher in the future
> with VR requirements, it is very important that those APIs are real-
> time friendly.

Low-latency has been one of our core concerns from the get go and VR has
been the main use case we've used to drive requirements around

> *Garbage Collection* - one of the major bottlenecks and high
> consideration for real-time applications. If application is targeting
> 60+ fps, it has to avoid any allocations and avoid calling any native
> JS methods that allocate response objects, for example
> getBoundingClientRect.
> High GC loops do lead to periodical JS thread stalls, that can drop
> many frames, making 60fps unreachable.

That's a very good point and one that we hadn't considered. It's great
that you bring it up before the design is finalized.

Filed an issue for it here:

> *State / Async* - in real-time nature of development, async code does
> not fit fixed update loop paradigm. Where application is targeting to
> get fixed FPS (30/60), it requires to have access to data in that
> update method, most of the time it is within requestAnimationFrame. So
> for example when mouse interaction is required, due to old design of
> mouse API, developers require to subscribe to mouse events, and then
> store mouse coordinates in accessible scope, so then within update
> method they can access mouse data. This creates big mess when there
> are many things needs to be subscribed: orientation, VRDisplay
> pulling, window resizing/orientation, keyboard states, motion, touch,
> gamepads, and many-many others.
> APIs that allow simply accessing latest state of whatever sensor or
> data it is - are way, way easier to use, and do not require too much
> of thinking about events, callbacks, etc.

I think we got that (mostly) right.

> *Promises* - as history shows, they are getting obsolete as ES6/7
> solves much better what promises promised to solve - callback hell
> (which is doesn't solve). More to say: they are extremely bad for GC,
> as they do allocate a state data internally, passing objects around,
> as well as enforce function allocations, and lead to huge overload
> with unnecessary function scopes > complicates GC. Debugging is not
> good as well.

Promises are good for one shot methods (get a single value and that's
it), we'll only use them as such and only once we actually design a one
shot API.

> *So my question:*
> 1. What are the guidelines this APIs are designed by?

Inspiration from existing APIs (Android, iOS, J5) + Web constraints and
API style.

> 2. If GC is high consideration?

It hasn't been. It should be. Fixing this.

> 3. What are the highest priorities that drive the APIs design?

There are plenty:

- perf/low latency
- security/privacy
- devX
- API consistency
- fix known issues in previous designs
- make it easy to spec and implement new sensors
- feature-parity with native
- expose low-level primitives as per Extensible Web Manifesto

> 4. What are User Stories this APIs are engaged against in design
>    process?

See: (rough, not  recently

> Looking forward to hear from you guys, and collaborate on making
> design to be a good fit for everyone, including real-time
> applications.

Likewise. Thanks for your timely and super valuable input.


Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2016 13:15:17 UTC