Hi Kevinffzeng,
I think the spec is almost stable now. We have already done implementing Wake Lock API in Yandex Browser (will be available in the next release), and currently upstreaming our implementation into the Chromium code base. You can follow the updates here:
I hope Marcos will give you implementation status details for Gecko.
On 18 мая 2015 г., at 3:40, kevinffzeng(曾奋飞) <kevinffzeng@tencent.com> wrote:
> Hi, there:
> It’s such a great news that Wake Lock API has become a proposal.
> We are doing a navigation project with web technologies. It’s release on http://navi.map.qq.com/nav/drive?start=116.307042,39.985111&dest=116.369430,39.987270. A big problem is that most web browser can't stop screen from being turned off automatically. Though QQ browser of our company provided us with private apis to keep screen awake, It’s certainly a good practise to use public apis.
> So how can we help to push the development of the api forward? The QQ browser team would also like to follow the proposal.
> Thanks.
> kevinffzeng(曾奋飞)
> Web Developer
> www.tencent.com