reminder - using WebEx for today's DAP call

reminder - using WebEx for today's DAP call

try joining early, some setup might be required.

ask questions or note problems on IRC please..

note - we will not use WebEx chat - I will not even look at it.


IRC channel:  

Reminder that this is the first time we will use the new Webex bridge! Please allow extra time at the beginning to get the software installed and
iron out any issues.

Join with your computer:

Dial in directly: +1-617-324-0000, Access code 644 877 338

We will continue to use zakim to manage the queue (q+, q-, q? etc) but it is not integrated with WebEx

WebE best practices:

When you join the chat, please register your attendance by typing Present+ First_Last
where First and Last are your first and last name, no space between Present and '+'

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch
Chair, W3C Device APIs WG (DAP)

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 13:57:37 UTC