Fwd: LIaison from W3C Web&TV to STA about the Network Service Discovery spec

** original poster Peter Lanigan in BCC **

Frederich, DAP group,
here another response from our liaison contact about your request for
feedback on the NSD spec


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Lanigan
Date: Wed, May 14, 2014 at 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: LIaison from W3C Web&TV to STA about the Network Service
Discovery spec
To: Giuseppe Pascale <giuseppep@opera.com>
Cc: "team-liaisons@w3.org" <team-liaisons@w3.org>, webandtv-chairs <
team-webandtv-chairs@w3.org>, "Smart TV Executive Advisor <
smarttv_ea@inventures.com> (smarttv_ea@inventures.com)" <

 Dear Giuseppe, W3C colleagues,

Many thanks for your liaison e-mail of 17th April regarding Network Service
Discovery API. The Smart TV Alliance very much appreciates the chance to

The Smart TV Alliance expects to reference to the latest version of the
Network Service Discovery specification. Some of the considerations behind
this include:

- Security concerns are addressed in the specification; the API refers to
CORS but also allows whitelisting of non-CORS enabled devices.

- It incorporates different possible discovery protocols.

- There is no viable alternative that is simple to implement for
application developers.

- There are already some proof-of-concept implementations available (

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Peter Lanigan

Chair of Technical Committee, Smart TV Alliance


Peter Lanigan

Senior Manager - Standardisation

TP Vision Belgium - Innovation Site Bruges

*From:* Giuseppe Pascale [mailto:giuseppep@opera.com]
*Sent:* donderdag 17 april 2014 10:15
*To:* Peter Lanigan
*Cc:* team-liaisons@w3.org; webandtv-chairs
*Subject:* LIaison from W3C Web&TV to STA about the Network Service
Discovery spec

Dear Peter and STA colleagues,

one of the goals of the W3C Web&TV IG is to inform relevant SDOs of
activities in W3C which may be relevant for them and to facilitate the
conversation between W3C WGs and SDOs

I'm writing you to make you aware of this request from the DAP WG chairs
about the Networks Service discovery API, see original mail here


In short, the DAP WG is asking potential implementers about their plans to
support the NSD specification, in particular the version which has been
recently published by the WG


Missing interest from implementers, the WG will be forced to shelf the
spec, i.e. to stop working on it. This is because the W3C process require
implementations in order to progress a specification along the
recommendation track, so missing them there is no point in progresing the

In case your organization was planning to reference/require support for
this specification, would be of great help if you could communicate this to
the DAP WG, so that that the activity on it could continue. It would be
also useful if the manufacturers in your group could indicate interest in
implementing/supporting the specification.

Let me know if something is not clear. Feel free to send your response to
me and I'll forward it to the relevant groups, Note that the discussion is
happening on a public mailing list.

Best Regards,

Giuseppe Pascale, W3C Web & TV IG co-chair

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2014 15:11:29 UTC