Re: Call for potential DAP charter additions - please respond by 7 July 2014

On Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:44:12 +0400, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:
>> I would encourage you to write a charter that says what you are going to
>> do.
> FFS, Charles. We are going to do that! The point is to figure out what  
> might be good things to work on.

Sure. And logically, your call for input was part of doing that.

> Then we can do the IPR review once we have the charter written and it  
> gets
> reviewed by the AC.

For some part of the AC, the charter review is the IPR review.

>> If it turns out that W3C gets very inefficient at reviewing and
>> approving minor updates, we should deal with that, but not by asking  
>> for a priori approval to work on *anything that might be cool*.
> Stop trying to downplay or ridicule my request for input to improve the  
> platform. You know perfectly well what I was asking for and so does  
> everyone else on the list.

I am not trying to downplay your request for input. I strongly support
adding things we will work on - and therefore considering things we may
want to work on, and thus your request for input.

I was reacting to the specific suggestion that we add everything to the
charter "just in case we might want to" work on them.

>> In a world where some W3C members have large IPR portfolios and
>> actively use them, that is like asking for unnecessary trouble.
> Yay! Let's further hold back the Web because of Charles IPR FUD.

No, that is not my intention.

I was merely suggesting we hold back from requesting companies review
things that have been put in the charter, until we are clear that we
actually want to work on those things.

> Seriously, you poo-poo'ing everything every time we try to do something  
> progressive at the W3C is getting really tiresome. If you want to  
> provide ideas on interesting things to work on, then do so. Otherwise,  
> please stay out of the way and you can have your say about IPR when this  
> goes for review. Shutting down discussions with FUD and bringing a whole  
> bunch of ridicule and negativity to the WG is not helpful.

I am not trying to bring negativity, nor ridicule. If I have done so I
apologise unreservedly.

I'm also not trying to shut down a discussion. I'm merely suggesting that
loading everything potentially interesting into the charter as if it were
impossible to work reasonably within the letter and spirit of the W3C
process is an unhelpful and unecessary way to work.



Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 07:30:11 UTC