Media Capture TF status update

A status update from the Media Capture TF (initiated by Frederick - and 
he is probably right in that while the WebRTC WG participants follow and 
contribute to the TF a lot, it is less present in the DAP community).

The Media Capture TF currently has three documents on its plate:
Media Capture and Streams API [1]
MediaStream Recording API [2]
MediaStream Image Capture [3]

The Media Capture and Streams API is the foundation that enables apps to 
get access to input devices (microphones and cameras) and to control how 
those devices are operated and how HTML5 Media Elements can be used to 
render the media produced by the devices. The fundamental objects used 
for controlling are called MediaStreams, and a MediaStream is
essentially a collection of MediaStreamTracks which in turn (roughly)
represents the media generated by a single camera or microphone. This
document is quite stable, and we’re trying to get to Last Call, and
think we will manage to do this during Q3 this year - we actually hope 
to be able to do it during August.

It can also be noted that the WebRTC API document developed by the W3C
WebRTC WG is depending on the Media Capture and Streams API since
MediaStream(Track) objects are used in that document. The WebRTC
document has Q4 as target for LC.

MediaStream Recording allows the application to record a MediaStream,
and Image Capture allows it to capture images. These documents are a bit 
more immature, but there is a lot of interest in particularly the
Recording API so it is likely the next one after Media Capture and
Streams to go to last call (a guesstimate is that this will happen late 
Q4 2014).

Recently the TF has started to discuss the handling of 3D cameras, and
there is an Editor’s draft available [5].

Harald and Stefan, Media Capture TF chairs


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 06:34:47 UTC