Re: CfC: remove search from Pick Contacts Web Intent - please respond by 25 Sept 2012

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 2:09 PM, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L <> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jungkee Song []
>> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 4:46 AM
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: RE: CfC: remove search from Pick Contacts Web Intent - please
>> respond by 25 Sept 2012
>> > From: SULLIVAN, BRYAN L []
>> > Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 10:19 AM
>> >
>> > I have a concern though that the UX will suffer because the app cannot
>> > give a hint to the Intent as to which contact it is interested in,
>> forcing
>> > the use to re-enter the search terms. Is there an alternate approach
>> under
>> > this proposal, through which the app can optimize the UX by providing
>> > search hints?
>> Other than the "ContactIntentExtras" dictionary, we don't have any such
>> options. However, the more I am mulling it over, the more I am leaning
>> to
>> removing it. I feel like optimizing the UX with previous user action is
>> something that should be achieved by Web Intents semantic rather than
>> application level optional information. [1]
> Sorry, I don't understand that response "something that should be achieved by Web Intents semantic". Can someone explain how the use case below would be implemented so that the user doesn't have to do extra work to select a contact, if there is no ability to provide a contact selection filter?

I thought of a scenario that service provider could remember the
client's previous choice based on authentication and use it as search
keyword for the next requests. However, i don't think it represents
the use case that Bryan described below.

> Use case: The user is browsing a discussion forum, and wants to respond to a post with a phone call to the poster. The forum app provides the ability to use a contact picker intent for this purpose, with the poster's name as contacts search criteria. Since the user has a large contacts database (e.g. an enterprise directory) the effectiveness of the contact picker experience is substantially improved by the ability of the app to indicate the filter criteria to the intent provider.

I think this is a useful use case and could have not come up with any
way to implement this without extra option. Does anyone have some
other opinion or better way to cope with this use case?

> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan


Jungkee Song

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 16:30:36 UTC