Re: [capture] A couple of editorial comments

On 11/27/12 11:33 PM, ""
<> wrote:

>On Nov 27, 2012, at 5:08 PM, ext Tobie Langel wrote:
>> On 11/27/12 9:49 PM, ""
>>> My understanding is that capture and upload are integrated without the
>>> ability for an explicit distinct local manipulation step.
>> That's incorrect, there is such as step: When the capture control
>> control to application code, the result of the capture is available as a
>> File object from the input element's `files` property.
>let me see if I understand...
>the 'application code' is the web application that is integrated with the
>form HTML code (e.g. javascript on a page that has the form markup)


>I think what you are saying is what I said - that the application can
>perform additional manipulation per step #2

>The detailed difference you point out is that the upload does not happen
>until the files object is used by the application javascript to actually
>process the file object provided as a result of 'html media capture',
>e.g. the handle for the file is provided and the app can choose to upload
>it or not.

Exactly. Though JavaScript is not necessary (a user action to submit the
form also works).

>Conceivably there could be a device API that took the handle and allowed
>local manipulation for example, but I suspect a common case would be to
>upload and process server side.
>Did I get this right?

Yup. That's correct.

For use cases involving local process and storage see the camera app[1]
we're building for the Coremob CG. The app flow section[2] is particularly

>If so,  the spec introduction language should probably have some minor
>clarification and I could do that.

Great. Thanks.



Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 23:09:12 UTC