Re: Drop work on DAP charter v3?


I've tried out the Javascript QR code reader demos and it's true they kind of work sometimes on laptops, but so far I have not been able to get them to work on mobile phones. There are various complexities (e.g. Autofocus) that don't work well in current getUserMedia implementations for example, beyond that there are code translation functions that can't be delegated to JavaScript alone (at least for indirect codes), etc. For these reasons it is beneficial to have an API that can invoke a local code reader client which has been designed specifically for those functions. I am currently involved in discussions in the OMA on the requirements for such a Web Runtime API, and possible design approaches to integrate it with a HTML5 browser based UI. I would like to bring that discussion into W3C as soon as possible, so would appreciate the QR code reader API to be considered in DAP or the System Level API WG charter.

Bryan Sullivan

On May 22, 2012, at 8:43 AM, "Robin Berjon" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> as you know, during our last f2f I was asked to put together a third iteration of our charter. The primary reason for this was to include NFC, but this has turned out to be overly contentious in the broader membership and will not happen in DAP. Other additions included Bluetooth and QR code reading APIs, but those have lower levels of interest and Bluetooth is on the charter in preparation for the System group (QR can be done in script if you have the power). There was also a mention of the Application Installation API but that has since been added to WebApps.
> So all in all, I don't feel that there's much value in jumping through the rechartering hoops at this point and suggest dropping it.
> (This concerns ACTION-531).
> -- 
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 16:25:57 UTC