Re: System Level APIs draft proposal

On 3 maj 2012, at 07:33, N.V.Balaji wrote:

>> One of my complaints of the DAP was that it was a wide sweeping WG that 
>> had way too many deliverables.  I tend to think smaller WGs with tighter 
>> focus work a lot better.
> I agree. I am not aware of the cost and effort involved in setting up a WG, 
> however, small and focused working groups are likely to gather more mass 
> than one group with wide spread focus.
>> Spawning off a WG to work specially on System Level APIs seems like it is 
>> a good thing.  However, I am not sure about all of the politics of 
>> something like that.

True, but if there is to be a split I think it should be along functionality lines rather than security lines. 
(e.g. based on Robin's draft charter [1] keep the System Services in one WG and Hardware capabilities and access in one).

Also, to be honest, doesn't progress depend less on group size and more on people actually getting things done ;-)

>> Doug 



Received on Thursday, 3 May 2012 08:54:13 UTC