Re: ReSpec patch for IE9+

Hi Travis!

On Nov 24, 2011, at 23:23 , Travis Leithead wrote:
> Today is Thanksgiving [1] in the US, where we remember and are thankful for all the blessings in our lives. One thing I am grateful for is ReSpec which helps make many W3C spec-editor’s lives easier. Thanks Robin!

Very glad you like it!

> I’ve noticed that in IE9+ when viewing specs that utilize ReSpec (for example, the Contacts API [2]), I would get the following error (see also attached screenshot): “Processing error: TypeError: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘evaluate’”.

Yes, it was originally written just for my own uses and so did not take other browsers into account because I didn't expect it to catch on. So much for scratching itches :)

> ‘evaluate’, of course, is the API used to execute XPath queries on the DOM using the W3C DOM Level 3 XPath WG Note [3]. Until such time as IE implements XPath support, I’d love to see ReSpec work as well on IE9+ as any other modern web browser. To that end, I wrote up a quick-and-dirty patch (below and attached) that adds the specific XPath support that ReSpec needs for browsers without ‘evaluate’ support. I’ve tested it on IE9+ and it seems to work.

This is just amazing! Thank you so much! I've applied it, so we should now support IE9 :) Excellent!

Thanks again!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 28 November 2011 10:25:14 UTC