RE: Sensor API : New draft

A GPS sensor has different ranges and units for latitude, longitude,
and altitude, for example.

From: Tran, Dzung D
Sent: 11/22/2011 5:16 PM
To: Ben Combee; WG
Subject: RE: Sensor API : New draft
Hello Ben,

We will try to address these.  As for sensor range, we assume it
starts at zero which is probably wrong. What do you mean for other
sensors you might need a range for each sub-component?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Combee []
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:21 PM
To: WG
Subject: Re: Sensor API : New draft

Spotted a couple of minor issues in the new draft hosted at

In the first example in part 1, the sensor connection instance
variable is named "sensorCnx", but later is referred to as "session".

In part 5.1, I'm unclear why the range property is described as
"short" when most data values are doubles or collections of doubles.
I also an unclear why range is a single value -- for something like a
temperature sensor which has units of degrees Celsius, the range of
the sensor might not go all the way to absolute 0 so you'd need a
minimum and maximum range, and for other sensors you might need a
range for each sub-component.

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 17:14:14 UTC