Deprecating raise (was Re: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec)

On Nov 16, 2011, at 13:22 , Anssi Kostiainen wrote:
> Robin - This reminds me that "raises" was removed from Web IDL in LCWD #2, 27 September 2011. Do you mind if I patch ReSpec.js v1 for that? We can continue on spec-prod, if this change should be coordinated with other editors.

I've been mulling this over in a corner of my head. I think that we first need to deprecate it for a while, before removing support for it. By deprecate I mean that 1) it should produce no output, and 2) it should raise (ha!) a warning that raise is obsolete. After a while of this we can look at removing it completely. If you have the inclination to go dig into the relevant parts of the code to patch it thus, it would be greatly appreciated.

And yes, before pushing that change out we need to at least announce it to spec-prod (though most editors sadly don't even know about that list...).

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 12:43:21 UTC