- From: Robin Berjon <robin@berjon.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:33:11 +0100
- To: James Hawkins <jhawkins@google.com>
- Cc: public-webapps Group WG <public-webapps@w3.org>, "public-device-apis@w3.org public-device-apis@w3.org" <public-device-apis@w3.org>
On Nov 10, 2011, at 17:23 , James Hawkins wrote: > Sounds good. I have a vested interest in the success of Web Intents, so I would be happy to Chair the TF if you don't mind, Robin. I'm looking forward to getting the discussions rolling. Wicked! Thanks for offering your soul^Wtime to take care of this :) I presume that you are familiar with the general principles of putting users and developers first, and of upholding your neutrality and the group's consensus over your employer's views and preferences. If you have any questions at any point, don't hesitate to ask me. The only thing we need to sort out before this happens is Google's RF commitment for this deliverable. Let's sort that out offline. -- Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon
Received on Thursday, 10 November 2011 19:33:52 UTC