Re: Request for interested participants in an Health & Welness Web Apps W3C community group


Thank you very much for your comments, and we will take a look into
WebSockets, but maybe I am not understanding your comments at 100%. I would
explain it using a Use Case.

I have a glucosemeter that can send the data to any Bluetooth receiver using
HDP data format, and my phone supports HDP bluetooth communication. But to
send the data to my Personal Health Record I could not use a web application
because there is no standard way to communicate the browser with the
underlying bluetooth infrastructure to get the data from it.

I could build an app to do that or even create a plugin for phonegap to use
a web app, but, we would like that the API we would define to become a
Recomendation. So, the API could be implemented by other people in other
browsers or frameworks.

Continua guidelines recommends to use IEEE 11073[1] data format for data
gathering so I don't know sensors would use WebSockets for sending the
information to the mobile phone. I don't mind how the mobile phone gets
data, I am worried about an standard way to ask to my device from a web app
the data that it has gathered.

I hope this clarify a bit about the proposal.

Thank you very much and best regards,


2011/6/29 Dominique Hazael-Massieux <>

> Le mercredi 29 juin 2011 à 12:45 +0100, Micheil Smith a écrit :
> > Could it not be an idea to have these sensors speaking something like
> websockets
> > or server-sent events? (see html5 communications section), rather than
> implementing
> > yet another protocol of communication?
> Whether or not this would be appropriate for these use cases, I'll note
> that JoliCloud has been using WebSockets as the basis for building OS
> APIs (as alluded in [1]).
> Dom
> 1.

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Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 14:34:46 UTC