On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Rich Tibbett <rich.tibbett@gmail.com>wrote:
> While I'm not really in favor of a programmatic API at this point, the way
> forward is for someone to step up to take over the Contact Writer
> specfication here:
> http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/contacts/Writer.html
> The issues with write paradigms are well known in this group (e.g.
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jul/0112.html).
> We did a lot of work over the last few months to arrive at a 'download and
> save' model that works without overloading the asynchronous notification bar
> concept of Geolocation. In fact, a definition of success for the Contact
> Writer spec should be that it does not rely on an async notification method
> of user interaction. It becomes messy quickly when a page tries to access
> lots of device functionality simultaneously, all relying on such a
> notification. That is not a case for policy frameworks but a bad design in
> the first place.
> If you feel like the Contacts Writer spec is the way forward, then perhaps,
> Suresh or Daniel, you are willing to take over the editing of this
> specification to document the programmatic write and save mechanism in a way
> that works. I'm happy to let the market ultimately decide what works.
> Does this sound like a good way to proceed on this?
Hmm, no response so far.
I don't see any progress happening on this specification without someone
contributing their time to editing it. As the current editor, I plan to drop
this in the coming days.
- Rich