Re: User Interaction API (was: Rechartering Device APIs & Policy Working Group)

Hi Bryan,

On Feb 9, 2011, at 09:11 , Bryan Sullivan wrote:
> Examples are :
> - vibration
> - lights
> - sound-based notifications
> - change UI elements such as wallpaper
> - chrome elements (e.g. menus, title bar, etc)

Anything that is essentially a notification is out of scope for us since it's already handled by Web Notifications.

UI elements seems like a terribly slippery road to me. Web Application Formats used to have them in charter as one of their primary items and they abandoned the work — why would we succeed? Beyond that, I don't see the need. Great UI elements can be built using tech we already have, and for what may be missing CSS layouts and XBL are the way forward.

For rest, it would be great to see use cases!

Robin Berjon -

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2011 14:06:01 UTC