Re: Battery Status API Last Call Feedback (LC-2574)

On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 12:21:00 +0100, Anssi Kostiainen  
<> wrote:
> When the battery charging state is updated, the user agent must queue a  
> task which sets the charging attribute's value and fires a simple event  
> [HTML5] named chargingchange at the BatteryManager object.
> When the battery charging time is updated, the user agent must queue a  
> task which sets the chargingTime attribute's value and fires a simple  
> event [HTML5] named chargingtimechange at the BatteryManager object.
> When the battery discharging time is updated, the user agent must queue  
> a task which sets the dischargingTime attribute's value and fires a  
> simple event [HTML5] nameddischargingtimechange at the BatteryManager  
> object.
> When the battery level is updated, the user agent must queue a task  
> which sets the level attribute's value and fires a simple event [HTML5]  
> named levelchange at the BatteryManager object.

This looks good. You might want state in the terminology section that  
"queue a task" and "fire a simple event" are defined elsewhere rather than  
repeat it, but that's up to you.

>>>> You also need to actually define the various on* attributes as being  
>>>> event handlers and update their IDL to match the latest crazy IDL  
>>>> syntax (which might be simplified, so maybe you want to wait for  
>>>> that).
> I added the following to the Conformance section:
> [[
> The Function interface represents a function in the scripting language  
> being used as defined in [HTML5].
> ]]
> Would that do the trick? I'm looking for the path of least resistance  
> here :)

To define an event handler you need to have a little more language. See for  
instance. And until we have the fancier lowercase function keyword you  
need this in your IDL:

   [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onXXX;


Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 13:26:48 UTC