Re: Gallery API use cases?

Hi Anssi,

thanks for picking this up.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 18:05 , Anssi Kostiainen wrote:
> - If the Gallery design could align with Contacts, as discussed some months ago. Depending on the use cases we come up with, I could see the merits of e.g. reusing the file picker for finding and filtering media objects.

I think that the big value of building atop Contacts is that the privacy and security issues are more or less addressed upfront. I also think that the two have the exact same read vs write+delete issues, so that they should attack the problem from the same angle.

The more I think about using file dir+sys for this, the less it makes sense. A gallery is typically not like a regular directory. It tends to have a specific structure, and in many cases you can't just create an arbitrary directory and put random stuff under it (or you can, but it has no effect on it as a gallery).

To get back to use cases, I tend to think that the read-only UCs are fairly straightforward? They all tend to involve bringing up content from one's personal media database based on some filtering criteria, and exposing a selection of the result to the Web context.

Let's get to writing later :)

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 2010 12:04:49 UTC