Re: Bluetooth / NFC APIs

Hi Claes,

On 02/03/2010 16:32, Nilsson, Claes1 wrote:
> Hi again,
> The straightforward solution would of course be to specify an
> additional attribute in the "options" interface that states which
> attribute in each property's interface the threshold attributes
> operate on. This would mean that we also have to define a list of
> enumerated constants for all attributes that the threshold attributes
> can operate on for all defined properties.
> This is not very flexible and extensions according to section 5 is a
> problem. However, you have already indicated enumerated constants as
> an issue with extensions.
> Any better idea?

No, I'm afraid not. Although we don't have to find a constant for each 
attribute, only the numeric ones. E.g. for network we could just have 
Still not great, so I won't edit it in but leave it as an open issue in 
the spec, hoping for a wider audience to express its views.


Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 10:35:14 UTC