Provide use cases where contacts API needs to be aware of source of

Two basic use cases are:

1) Bob wants to keep contacts on his SIM only. Bob swaps devices a lot,
like a lot of people. Syncing his contacts in each device is an overhead
he doesn't need. Bob's contacts database is typically no more than 40
people, which is easily contained on his SIM (it can go much higher).
Bob's SIM also allows him to secure his contacts with a PIN, so that he
knows even if he loses the phone, his info is protected. When Bob wants
to add or update a contact, he wants the update to be written to the
SIM, and not the device. Bob also trusts the info that's on his SIM over
what's on the device, and only uses the SIM contacts to make calls /
send messages etc. Thus the webapp that uses or updates Bob's contacts
needs to know where the contacts are coming from, and where they will be
written to.

2) Alice wants to keep contacts on her device only. Alice has found that
trying to save contacts on her SIM causes loss of certain contacts info
that is important to her. She wants her contacts to be saved with all
the information intact, so always prefers to save her contacts on her
device. Thus the webapp that updates Alice's contacts needs to know
where the contacts will be written to.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 05:46:36 UTC