Re: Modal prompts vs notifications (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-02)

Le mercredi 09 juin 2010 à 06:49 -0700, James Salsman a écrit :
> Should there be a statement to that effect at the point where prompts
> are discouraged?  I could not find any implication that prompts are
> usually modal -- the issue of non-modality is treated seperately reads 
        "Prompts should be eliminated whenever possible. Many prompts do
        not provide any meaningful security because:
              * they don't provide the user with the information needed
                to make an informed security decision;
              * with modal prompts, the user is inclined simply to
                dismiss the prompt and permit the operation just because
                that's what's needed for the application to continue."
which I think answers your original questions as to why prompts should
be eliminated *whenever* possible.

I guess it could be useful to clarify what is meant by "prompt"; maybe
you could suggest a definition that you think would clarify the document
in light of our exchange?


Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 13:59:25 UTC