navigator.connection, navigator.onLine in Android 2.2


According to [1], the Android 2.2 browser brings a new API to describe
network connections: 
        There is a property to query about the current connection type:
        navigator.connection.type. There is also a navigator.connection
        enumeration, having the possible values: UNKNOWN, ETHERNET,
        WIFI, CELL_2G, CELL_3G. […]
        The boolean navigator.onLine can be used to know if the device
        is connected or not to the web  […]. Events like ononline and
        onoffline are working fine to detect changes in the connection
        (even when we change from 3G to WIFI, the online event is

Given that these are features that are supposed to be handled by our
interfaces in SysInfo, it would be useful to see if and how we can get
convergence on these.



Received on Thursday, 8 July 2010 07:43:00 UTC