Re: ISSUE-78 - capture minimization with EXIF data

01/12/2010 17:46, ext kirjoitti:
> The following note is in HTML Media Capture, see 
> :
> [[ In addition to the requirements already highlighted in the
> [HTML5] and [FILE-API] specifications, implementors should take care
> of additional leakage of privacy-sensitive data from captured media.
> For instance, embedding the user’s location in a captured media
> metadata (e.g. EXIF) might transmit more private data than the user
> might be expecting. ]]
> The Media Capture API does not have such a warning - it probably 
> should as well?   see 
> Once we update the Media Capture API appropriately, is there any 
> objection to closing this issue?

Just added the same warning also to Capture API. I'm ready to close the
issue. There is not much more we can do.


Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 07:19:23 UTC